1 February, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
Whom does an Avatar come to foster? Bhagawan explains to us today the qualities of a person worthy of His attention and Love. | | | | |
La tarea de cada Avatar ha sido la de proteger a los sadhus, castigar a los malvados y apoyar la conducta correcta (Dharma). Por sadhus, no me refiero tan sólo a monjes y ascetas como se entiende generalmente. Implica a quienes practican la bondad, la rectitud y la virtud (sadhu-guna). Noten que ellas pueden ser manifestadas por animales y hasta por insectos. La promoción del Satwaguna (pureza) es el mejor medio para fomentar a los sadhus. Siendo la encarnación de este sacro Guna, el Avatar lo promueve en dondequiera que se encuentre gente que practique virtudes. Sadhu implica también a aquellas personas que no se apartan de su deber, sea cual fuere la tentación o la amenaza. Todos quienes se atienen a la conducta correcta (Sadachara), quienes sean virtuosos (Sadsheela), quienes adhieran a la verdad (Sathya), quienes anhelen la presencia Divina (Sannidhi) del Señor (Sarveswara). quienes observen el Sad-dharma, que consideren a todos (Sarvajana) como iguales (Samaana); todos ellos Me son caros y merecen Mi atención especial.
Sathya Sai Baba
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 8. |
Spiritual progress will be rapid through right living, good conduct
and moral behaviour. - Baba |
1 February, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
Whom does an Avatar come to foster? Bhagawan explains to us today the qualities of a person worthy of His attention and Love. | | | | |
The task of every Avatar has been to protect the sadhus, punish the wicked and support right conduct (Dharma). By sadhus, I do not mean monks and ascetics alone, as it is generally understood. It means the ones who practice goodness, uprightness and virtue (sadhu-guna). Note that these can be possessed by animals and even insects. The promotion of Sathwa guna (purity) is the best means of fostering sadhus. Being the embodiment of this sacred Guna, the Avatar fosters it wherever people practising virtues are found. Sadhu also implies those persons who do not swerve from their duty, whatever be the temptation or threat. All those who follow right conduct (Sadachara), who are virtuous (Sadsheela), who adhere to truth (Sathya), who yearn for the Divine pre sence (Sannidhi) of the Lord (Sarveswara), who observe Sad-dharma, who consider all (Sarvajana) as equal (Samaana); all of them are dear to Me and deserve My special attention.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 8. |
Spiritual progress will be rapid through right living, good conduct
and moral behaviour. - Baba |
PERLITA SAI_01-02-2012
Todos los hombres y mujeres son del mismo linaje: el linaje divino...SAI BABA.
PEARL SAI_01-02-2012.
All men and women are of the same lineage: the divine lineage...SAI BABA.
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