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viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

SWAMI DICE ...!!!_ SWAMI SAYS...!!!_ 28/01/2012.

28 January, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
Who are we? How can we realise and live in that true state? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.
Audio Special:
"Tales that transform direct from
the Divine - Talking Philosophers
Click Here to Listen Now
H2H Special:
"Video: Multi Faith Worship
- Dec 27, 2011"

Click Here to Watch Now

Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Chinese New Year Celebrations in Prasanthi Nilayam at around 5:00 p.m. (IST), Today on our website
sathya sai baba


Ustedes son puros e indestructibles; están allende los altibajos de la vida; son lo verdadero, lo eterno, el inalterable Brahmam (Sí Mismo Divino). Una mera indagación de cinco minutos les convencerá de que no son el cuerpo, los sentidos, la mente ni la inteligencia, el nombre ni la forma, sino que son el Aatma mismo – aquel mismo Aatma que aparece como toda esta variedad. Una vez que logren un atisbo de esta verdad, aférrense a ella, no dejen que se les escape. Conviértanla en su posesión permanente. Miren a todos con amor, con respeto y fe en su sinceridad. Traten a sus servidores con bondad. No alberguen odio ni desprecio en su corazón. Arrepiéntanse de los errores que cometan y decidan no repetirlos nunca; rueguen por fuerza para cumplir con sus resoluciones. No le encuentren faltas a otros. Purifiquen su corazón siendo buenos para con todos.

Sathya Sai Baba

- Divine Discourse, Jan 30, 1965.
Tender hearts, holy thoughts, loving speech – these invoke the divinity within you. - Baba



28 January, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
Who are we? How can we realise and live in that true state? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.
Audio Special:
"Tales that transform direct from
the Divine - Talking Philosophers
Click Here to Listen Now
H2H Special:
"Video: Multi Faith Worship
- Dec 27, 2011"

Click Here to Watch Now

Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Chinese New Year Celebrations in Prasanthi Nilayam at around 5:00 p.m. (IST), Today on our website
sathya sai baba

You are pure and indestructible; you are beyond the ups and downs of life; you are the true, the eternal, the unchangingBrahmam (Divine Self). A mere five-minute inquiry will convince you that you are not the body, the senses, the mind or the intelligence, the name or the form; but that you are theAatma Itself - the same Aatma that appears as all this variety. Once you get a glimpse of this truth, hold on to it; do not allow it to slip. Make it your permanent possession. Look upon all with love, respect and faith in their sincerity. Treat your servants kindly. Do not entertain hatred or contempt in your heart. Repent for the errors that you commit and decide never to repeat them; pray for strength to carry out your resolutions. Do not find fault with others. Purify your heart by being good to all.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 30, 1965.
Tender hearts, holy thoughts, loving speech – these invoke the divinity within you. - Baba

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