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martes, 17 de enero de 2012

SWAMI DICE ...!!!_ SWAMI SAYS...!!!_ 10/01/2012.

10 January, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the benefit accrued to us, by acquiring wisdom about the Divine Self? Our Divine Master explains to us today. 
Audio Special:
"Satsangh with a Techie
- Part 5
Click Here to Listen Now
H2H Special:
"Swami and Me:
My Loving God!

Click Here to Read Now

sathya sai baba

Las impresiones de los sentidos, la mente y el intelecto nada tienen que ver con el Atma (Sí Mismo Divino) que realmente son. El Atma no es afectado por ningún asunto, objeto o placer. El conocer alAtma como una tal entidad, no afectada por nada y no apegada a nada, es el secreto del Jnana (Sabiduría). Esta consciencia les guiará tanto en la senda externa (Pravritti marga) como en la interior (Nivritti marga). Este conocimiento no bloqueará la acción sino que le conferirá propósito y significado. Fortalecerá la fe, inspirará una vida moral y llevará al hombre hasta el ámbito de la liberación a lo largo del camino del Nishkama Karma, la acción no impulsada por deseos. Para lograr la liberación, Jnana representa el camino directo. Por eso es incomparablemente sacro. Y, naturalmente, cabe concluir que, sin duda, la ignorancia es el más despreciable. "Vean lo Universal en lo particular, vean lo particular en lo Universal – esa es la esencia del Jnana", declaró Krishna en el Geetha.

- Geeta Vahini, Ch 6
The primary goal of a human being is to realise his inherent divinity and redeem
his life by that realization. - Baba


10 January, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the benefit accrued to us, by acquiring wisdom about the Divine Self? Our Divine Master explains to us today. 
Audio Special:
"Satsangh with a Techie
- Part 5
Click Here to Listen Now
H2H Special:
"Swami and Me:
My Loving God!

Click Here to Read Now

sathya sai baba

The impressions of the senses, mind, and intelligence have nothing to do with the Atma (Divine Self), which you really are. The Atma is unaffected by any subject or object or pleasures. To know the Atma as such an entity, unaffected and unattached, is the secret of Jnana (Wisdom). This awareness will guide you in both the outward (Pravritti marga) and inward (Nivritti marga) paths. This knowledge will not block action but will fill it with purpose and meaning. It will build up faith, inspire a moral life and take man to the realm of deliverance along the road of Nishkama Karma, action that is not prompted by desires. For the achievement of liberation, Jnana is the direct road. Therefore, it is incomparably sacred. And naturally, it follows that ignorance is undoubtedly the most despicabl e. "See the Universal in the particular; see the particular in the Universal; that is the essence of Jnana," declared Krishna in the Geeta.

- Geeta Vahini, Ch 6.
The primary goal of a human being is to realise his inherent divinity and redeem
his life by that realization. - Baba


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