9 January, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
What is the role of parents and teachers in moulding the character of students and youngsters? Bhagawan explains to us today. | | | | |
Watch the Live Webcast of the Programme by Devotees from Australia, Today at 5 p.m. IST on www.radiosai.org
Cuando estudian en la Primaria, muchos niños se comportan con humildad, disciplina y bondad. Sin embargo, cuando alcanzan la Secundaria, pierden algunas de estas cualidades. ¿Por qué? Son los docentes los responsables por su disciplina y buena conducta durante la Primaria. En las clases superiores y las universidades, ¿se hace algo a través del precepto y la práctica para desarrollar el carácter y la espiritualidad entre los estudiantes? Hoy en día se busca la educación para conseguir un trabajo, lo que no es correcto. La educación debe buscarse para desarrollar un genuino entendimiento. Los estudiantes debieran adquirir cultura junto con el conocimiento académico. Debieran fomentarse la espiritualidad y la moralidad entre los estudiantes. Entre todas las profesiones en el mundo, la de profesor es la más importante. Es él quien debe impartir a los estudiantes aquello que es bueno y ennoblecedor. Esto debiera primar en todas las instituciones educacionales.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1990. |
The whole world will prosper when students tread along the right path. - Baba
9 January, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
What is the role of parents and teachers in moulding the character of students and youngsters? Bhagawan explains to us today. | | | | |
Watch the Live Webcast of the Programme by Devotees from Australia, Today at 5 p.m. IST on www.radiosai.org
When studying in the primary classes many children conduct themselves with humility, discipline and goodness. However when they reach the Secondary School, they lose some of these qualities. When they go to college, almost everything is gone! Why? It is the teachers who account for their discipline and good behaviour in the Primary School. In the higher classes and in colleges, is anything done through precept and practice to promote character and spirituality among the students? Today, education is sought for getting a job; this is not proper. Education is for developing right understanding. Students should imbibe culture along with academic knowledge. Spirituality and morality should be promoted among the students. Of all the professions in the world, that of the teacher is the most estimable. The teacher has to impart to the students what is good and ennobling. This should be developed in all educational institutions.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1990. |
The whole world will prosper when students tread along the right path. - Baba
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