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martes, 17 de enero de 2012

SWAMI DICE ...!!!_ SWAMI SAYS...!!!_ 15/01/2012.

15 January, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
Today being The festival of Sankranti, when the Sun God is worshipped, Bhagawan explains what are the lessons we can learn from the Sun. 
Audio Special:
"Readings from H2H
- Rani Maa series -Pati 1
Click Here to Listen Now
H2H Special:
"Sports Meet 2012 Evening
Programme - A Photo Story

Click Here to Watch Now

Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Drama by Baba's Students of the Prasanthi Nilayam Campus at 5:00 p.m. (IST), Today on our Website

Consideren el servicio que el Sol (Surya) hace a este mundo. Esto está dentro de la experiencia de todos. El Sol es fuente de todas las formas de vida en este planeta. Sin Sus rayos la Tierra sería un páramo desolado. Él levanta hacia los cielos las aguas de mares y lagos, y desde las nubes derrama lluvia sobre las cosechas. Él es el Dharmadevatha (el Dios de la Rectitud), que distribuye Sus rayos igualmente sobre todos. El servicio que Él presta y la felicidad a la que contribuye es algo que nadie puede hacer. A pesar de haber estado haciendo esto durante millones de años, sin orgullo alguno, Él se mueve sin apego a las consecuencias de Su energizante misión de servicio. Así el Sol nos enseña que cuando uno es uno mismo, no hay agotamiento ni euforia, disgusto ni orgullo. En este caso, la tarea de Surya no es algo impuesto desde afuera y adoptado bajo compulsión; por e so se la ejecuta de modo sistemático y sin inconvenientes.

- Geeta Vahini, Ch 6
sathya sai baba
The realization of God is the goal and destiny of human life. - Baba


15 January, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
Today being The festival of Sankranti, when the Sun God is worshipped, Bhagawan explains what are the lessons we can learn from the Sun. 
Audio Special:
"Readings from H2H
- Rani Maa series -Pati 1
Click Here to Listen Now
H2H Special:
"Sports Meet 2012 Evening
Programme - A Photo Story

Click Here to Watch Now

Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Drama by Baba's Students of the Prasanthi Nilayam Campus at 5:00 p.m. (IST), Today on our Website

Consider the service the Sun (Surya) does to this world! This is within the daily experience of all. The Sun is the source of all life forms on this planet. Without His rays, the earth will be a desolate waste. He draws up into the sky the waters of seas and lakes, and from the clouds showers rain on the crops. He is theDharmadevatha (God of righteousness), scattering His rays equally on all. The service He does and the happiness He contributes is something no one else can. Despite doing this for millions of years, without any pride, He moves about unattached to the consequences of His energising mission of service. The Sun is thus teaching us that when one is oneself, there will be no exhaustion or elation, disgust or pride. That is, the task of Suryais not something imposed from outside and taken up under compulsio n. That is why it is performed systematically, and smoothly.

- Geeta Vahini, Ch 6.
sathya sai baba
The realization of God is the goal and destiny of human life. - Baba


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