1 January, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
How to transform work into worship that will eventually lead us to wisdom? Bhagawan guides and blesses on this New Year’s day. | | | | |
La relación entre trabajador y empleador debiera ser como la existente entre la cabeza y el cuerpo. Ambos están íntimamente ligados entre sí, dependen uno del otro para su existencia misma. El amor y el afecto deben gobernar la relación entre ambos, no el odio ni la envidia. El trabajo dentro de un espiritu de amor les llevará a la veneración. Vale decir, trabajen sin ninguna consideración por la proporción del beneficio que deriven de él. Trabajen, puesto que es su deber; trabajen puesto que aman hacerlo, puesto que es la manera en que puedan ofrendar a Dios la gratitud por los talentos de que han sido dotados. Este tipo de trabajo les lleva a la sabiduría, que es el reconocimiento de lo Divino en cada ser. Ojalá el Nuevo Año les traiga paz mental y ojalá se cumpla vuestro ideal de vida de la autorrealización. Ojalá se les concedan también comodidades y contento. Esa es Mi Bendición.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 1, 1971.
Do everything as dedicated to Him, as directed by Him, as work for His adoration
or for serving His children. - Baba
1 January, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
How to transform work into worship that will eventually lead us to wisdom? Bhagawan guides and blesses on this New Year’s day. | | | | |
The relationship between the worker and the employer should be like that between the heart and the body. Both are bound intimately with each other; they depend on each other for their very existence. Love and affection have to govern the relationship between the two, not hatred or envy. Work in the spirit of love; it will lead you to worship. That is to say, work without any regard to the proportion of benefit you derive from it. Work, since it is your duty; work since you love to work, since that is the way you can offer God the gratitude for the skills endowed upon you. This kind of work leads you to wisdom, which is the recognition of the Divine in every being. May the New Year grant you mental peace and may your life's ideal of self-realisation be fulfilled. May all comforts and contentment be added unto you. This is My blessing.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 1, 1971. |
Do everything as dedicated to Him, as directed by Him, as work for His adoration
or for serving His children. - Baba
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