26 December, 2011 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
Which are the instruments given to each one of us for realising our goal? And how do we make best use of them? Bhagawan explains to us today. | | Audio Special:
"Christmas decorations by overseas devotees at Prasanthi Nilayam
in 2011, Part 2"
Click Here to Listen Now | | |
Mientras el mundo objetivo continúe atrayendo a la mente, uno no puede alegar un éxito completo. Es así que, en el Geetha, Krishna dice : "deben lograr el dominio sobre los sentidos; entonces no necesitan sentir temor, porque serán como serpientes sin colmillos. El hombre cuenta con tres instrumentos principales : la mente, el intelecto y los sentidos. Cuando estos trabajan al unísono y cooperan entre sí, se produce ya sea 'la inmersión en la corriente' o la 'liberación'." Krishna anticipó el que Arjuna se sentirá confundido sin saber que sucederá "cuando cual opere con cual". Por lo que Él mismo entregó la respuesta. Dijo : "Cuando la mente coopera con los sentidos, ustedes ingresan al flujo llamado Samsara (vida mundana), cuando se subordina al intelecto, logran el conocimiento de lo Divino. Una senda lleva a los deseos mundanos, la otra hacia la Divinidad. El intelecto ha de resolver; la mente ha de llevar a cabo la resolución así alcanzada. Ese es el procedimiento correcto."
Sathya Sai Baba
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 5. |
Accept your intellect as the charioteer; and when coupled with the practice
of right conduct, it will lead to success. - Baba
26 December, 2011 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
Which are the instruments given to each one of us for realising our goal? And how do we make best use of them? Bhagawan explains to us today. | | Audio Special:
"Christmas decorations by overseas devotees at Prasanthi Nilayam
in 2011, Part 2"
Click Here to Listen Now | | |
So long as the objective world continues to attract the mind, one cannot claim complete success. Hence Krishna in the Geeta says: “You must establish mastery over the senses; then you need have no fear, for they become serpents with fangs removed. Man has three chief instruments: the mind, the intellect, and the senses. It is when these three work in unison and cooperate with one another that either 'immersal in the flux' or 'liberation' happens.” Krishna anticipated that Arjuna will be puzzled to know what will happen "when which operates with which”. So He himself provided the answer. He said: "When the mind cooperates with the senses, you enter into the flux called Samsara (worldly life); when it subordinates itself to the intellect, you attain the knowledge of the Divine. One path leads to worldly desires, the ot her to Divinity. The intellect must resolve; the mind must carry out the resolution so made. That is the correct procedure."
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 5. |
Accept your intellect as the charioteer; and when coupled with the practice
of right conduct, it will lead to success. - Baba
PERLITA SAI_26-12-2011.
PEARL SAI_26-12-2011.
The divine love is always present, inside and outside, in everywhere and all the time...SAI BABA
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