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martes, 17 de enero de 2012

SWAMI DICE ...!!!_ SWAMI SAYS...!!!_ 12/01/2012.

12 January, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
There is no better teacher than nature. Then what is it that we can learn from the Sun God? Swami explains to us today. 
Audio Special:
"Program by the alumni of the
Sri Sathya Sai Primary School
on 31 Dec 2011
Click Here to Listen Now
H2H Special:
"Swami and Me: The One Force that Propelled Me to
the Right Thing

Click Here to Read Now

Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Drama by Students of the Brindavan Campus of SSSIHL at around 5:30 p.m. (IST), Today on our website
sathya sai baba

El mundo entero está íntimamente asociado al Dios Sol. Él es la manifestación visible del Señor. En la India, al Dios Sol (Surya) se le considera altamente sagrado y se le adjudica el estatus sumamente especial de un gran Gurú. El Sol es también la fuente del tiempo. El Sol limita y regula el número de años que cada uno vive. Ejecuta Su tarea sin pensar en recompensas, y es humilde y estable. Imaginen la paciencia con que el Sol soporta todo ese calor extremo, dando suficiente calor para el cuerpo humano, todos los días. Los seres humanos están tan llenos de actividad e inteligencia a causa de la energía solar que asimilan. Si el Sol permaneciese inactivo aunque fuera por un momento, el mundo entero se pondría frío y oscuro. Las acciones de los grandes son el ideal que los demás tienen que tener en cuenta. Esto demuestra también que todos en el mundo estamos sujetos a la obligación del karma (actividad).

- Geeta Vahini, Ch 6.
The whole world is like a book, read it well. Nature is the best teacher.- Baba


12 January, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
There is no better teacher than nature. Then what is it that we can learn from the Sun God? Swami explains to us today. 
Audio Special:
"Program by the alumni of the
Sri Sathya Sai Primary School
on 31 Dec 2011
Click Here to Listen Now
H2H Special:
"Swami and Me: The One Force that Propelled Me to
the Right Thing

Click Here to Read Now

Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Drama by Students of the Brindavan Campus of SSSIHL at around 5:30 p.m. (IST), Today on our website
sathya sai baba

The whole world is intimately associated with the Sun God. He is the visible manifestation of the Lord. In India, Sun God (Surya) is considered highly sacred and granted the unique status of a great Guru. Sun is also the source of time. The Sun limits and regulates the number of years each one lives. He performs His duty without thought of reward, and is humble and steady. Imagine the patience with which the Sun puts up with all that extreme heat, and gives sufficient warmth to the human body, every single day. Human beings are so full of activity and intelligence on account of the solar energy that is imbibed. If the Sun is idle even for a moment, the whole world will go cold and dark. The actions of the great is the ideal that the rest have to keep in view. This also shows that all in the world are bound by the obligation of karma (activity) .

- Geeta Vahini, Ch 6.
The whole world is like a book, read it well. Nature is the best teacher.- Baba


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