7 January, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
What is the meaning of the term 'Culture'? Bhagawan explains to us today. | | | | |
Watch Live Webcast of Bal Vikas Alumni Programme on 7 and 8 Jan 2012 (5:15 p.m. IST) on www.radiosai.org |
¿Qué mayor desdicha puede existir que el cavilar sobre las faltas de otros y estar ciego ante las propias; el burlarse de la apariencia de otros, sin darse cuenta de la propia fealdad? El mostrar estas cualidades desde el nacimiento – ¿podría darse un pecado mayor? ¿Es cultura esto? ¡Encarnaciones del amor! La observancia de la moralidad en la vida diaria, la divinización de todas las acciones y pensamientos y la adhesión a ideales – en conjunto todo esto constituye la cultura. Los estudiantes de hoy no hacen los esfuerzos necesarios para entender la sacralidad y el valor de esta cultura. Samskrit, Samskriti, Samskara son todos términos derivados de las raíces 'Sam' y 'Krit'. Bharatiya Samskriti (la cultura india) es un compuesto de pureza, divinidad, sublimidad y belleza; no de ideas e ideales estrechos. "Lokaa samasthaas-sukhino bhavanthu!" (Ojalá todos los seres de todas partes sean felices) es el lema de bendición consagrado en nuestra sagrada cultura.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 14 1990. |
Whoever loves and serves all, that person the Lord loves and honours. - Baba |
7 January, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
What is the meaning of the term 'Culture'? Bhagawan explains to us today. | | | | |
Watch Live Webcast of Bal Vikas Alumni Programme on 7 and 8 Jan 2012 (5:15 p.m. IST) on www.radiosai.org |
What greater misfortune can there be than to cavil at others' faults and to be blind to one's own; to jeer at others' looks, not noticing one's own ugliness? To have such qualities from birth - can there be a greater sin than this? Is this culture? Embodiments of love! The observance of morality in daily life, the divinisation of all actions and thoughts, and adherence to ideals - all these together constitute culture. Students today do not make the requisite efforts to understand the sacredness and value of this culture. Samskrit, Samskriti, Samskara are all terms which have been derived from the roots, Sam and Krit. Bharatiya Samskriti (Indian culture) is a composite of purity, divinity, sublimity and beauty; not of narrow-minded ideas and ideals. "Lokaa samasthaas-sukhino bhavanthu</ em>!" (May all beings everywhere be happy) is the benedictory motto of our sacred culture.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 14 1990. |
Whoever loves and serves all, that person the Lord loves and honours. - Baba |
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