27 January, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
What are the attributes we should endeavor to possess as devotees? Bhagawan explains through the example of Arjuna. | | | | |
Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Programme by Sai Youth from Delhi - NCR at around 5:00 p.m. (IST), Today on our website www.radiosai.org |
Si Arjuna hubiera sido un individuo como otros, no podría haber sido un instrumento efectivo, un receptor ni transmisor de grandes enseñanzas. Es un héroe que ha derrotado no sólo a los enemigos externos, sino hasta a los internos. Los corazones débiles no pueden entender el Gita ni ponerlo en práctica. Es con este pleno conocimiento que Krishna eligiera a Arjuna y derramara sobre él Su irresistible gracia. Una vez, Krishna le dijo : "Arjuna, tu eres Mi más cercano Bhaktha (devoto), eres también Mi más querido amigo. Esta es la razón por la cual te he instruido en esta suprema y secreta enseñanza." ¡Reflexionen sobre esto! El recibir esta distinción del Señor Mismo es la más alta credencial y fortuna, que refleja cuan puro de corazón y digno era Arjuna. El Bhakthi (devoción) debe ganarse por una obediencia implícita. Mas el ser únicamente un devoto no es suficiente. Por ello Krishna hace uso del término mithra (amigo). El amigo no siente temor; eso le hace un receptor más perfecto.
Sathya Sai Baba
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 7. |
He who is ever ready to sacrifice his comfort for helping another,
is the genuine devotee. - Baba
27 January, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
What are the attributes we should endeavor to possess as devotees? Bhagawan explains through the example of Arjuna. | | | | |
Watch the Live Video Webcast of the Programme by Sai Youth from Delhi - NCR at around 5:00 p.m. (IST), Today on our website www.radiosai.org |
If Arjuna was an individual like others, he could not have been an effective instrument, a recipient and transmitter of great teachings. He is a hero who has defeated not merely the outer foes, but even the inner ones. Weak hearts cannot grasp the Geetha and put it into practice. It is with this full knowledge that Krishna selected Arjuna and showered on him His overpowering grace. Once Krishna said: "Arjuna, you are My closest Bhaktha(devotee); you are also My dearest friend. That is the reason why I taught you this supreme, secret teaching." Reflect on this! To get the title from the Lord Himself is the highest credential and good fortune, which reflects how pure-hearted and deserving Arjuna was. Bhakthi (devotion) must be won by implicit obedience. But being a devotee alone is not sufficient. Hence Krishna uses th e word mithra (friend). The friend has no fear; that makes him a more perfect recipient.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 7. |
He who is ever ready to sacrifice his comfort for helping another,
is the genuine devotee. - Baba
PERLITA SAI_27-01-2012
Observen las leyes del estado y sean ciudadanos ejemplares....SAI BABA.
PEARL SAI_27-01-2012
Observe the laws of the state and are exemplary citizens...SAI BABA.
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