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martes, 31 de enero de 2012

SWAMI DICE ...!!!_ SWAMI SAYS...!!!_ 31/01/2012.

31 January, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the purpose of an incarnation (Avatar)? What are the characteristics of an Avatar? Bhagawan describes to us today.
Audio Special:
"Medical Marvels of Love
Part - 11: Sunita

Click Here to Listen Now
H2H Special:
"Prasanthi Diary: Hyderabad Sai Youth Conference, Jan 31 2010"

Click Here to Read Now

Los Avatara Purushas (divinos advenimientos) a diferencia de los mortales comunes, no tienen méritos ni deméritos acumulados de nacimientos anteriortes. No tienen balance alguno que deban pagar en un nacimiento. Lo Suyo es un Leela (juego divino), un nacimiento asumido. La bondad de los buenos y la maldad de los malos proveen razones para un Avatar del Señor. Como resultado del advenimiento del Señor, los buenos se sentirán felices, y los malos sufrirán. El Avatar, no obstante, no siente alegría ni pesar, aunque esté inserto en el cuerpo que ha asumido. El Avatar no está constituido por los cinco elementos; es chinmaya y no mrinmaya – espiritual y no material; nunca podrá ser alterado por el egoísmo o el sentido de 'mío' y 'tuyo'; no es afectado por la ilusión engañosa que nace de la ignorancia. Aunque los hombres puedan confundir a un Avatar con sólo un ser humano, eso no afecta Su naturaleza; un Avatar viene para una tarea y está siempre seguro de cumplirla.

- Geeta Vahini, Ch 8.
sathya sai baba
God incarnates in the world to teach humanity the way of love. - Baba



31 January, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the purpose of an incarnation (Avatar)? What are the characteristics of an Avatar? Bhagawan describes to us today.
Audio Special:
"Medical Marvels of Love
Part - 11: Sunita

Click Here to Listen Now
H2H Special:
"Prasanthi Diary: Hyderabad Sai Youth Conference, Jan 31 2010"

Click Here to Read Now

Avatara Purushas (divine advents) have no merit or demerit accumulated in former births, unlike ordinary mortals. They do not have any balances to pay off in a birth. Theirs is a Leela(divine play), a birth taken on. The goodness of the good and the wickedness of the bad provide reasons for an Avatar of the Lord. As a result of the advent of the Lord, the good will be happy and the bad will suffer. The Avatar, however has no joy or grief, even when enveloped in the body assumed. TheAvatar is not constituted of the five elements; it is chinmayanot mrinmaya - spiritual not material; it can never be disturbed by egoism or the sense of ‘mine’ and ‘thine’; it is untouched by the delusion born of ignorance. Though men may mistake anAvatar as just human, that does not a ffect the Avatar’s nature; an Avatar comes for a task and is always bound to accomplish it.

- Geeta Vahini, Ch 8.
sathya sai baba
God incarnates in the world to teach humanity the way of love. - Baba



PERLITA SAI_31-01-2012.

No menosprecies a tu prójimo. Alienta los indicios de inteligencia superior y creatividad de los otros. La envidia es la causa de la ruina...SAI BABA.

PEARL SAI_31-01-2012.

Not belittle him thy neighbor. Encourages the signs of superior intelligence and creativity of the other. Envy is the cause of the ruin. 18-Accept the world as it is. Never expect that this fits their needs or standards.SAI BABA.


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