31 December, 2011 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
What does the Lord really want from those who call themselves His devotees? Bhagawan explains to us today. | | | | |
Todas las diversas comunidades de cada nación deben estar unidas. La humanidad debe llegar a ser una sola familia. Entonces el mundo se convertirá en un paraíso. Si se permite que las diferencias crezcan, las naciones se desintegrarán. Aquellos que promueven diferencias entre las personas están destruyendo el amor y la compasión en el corazón humano. Están rompiendo en pedazos a la humanidad. No hay pecado más grande que este. Lo que el mundo necesita hoy es la fuerza redentora y unificadora del amor - el amor que se expande continuamente, y abarca a más y más personas. Abandonando las ideas estrechas con respecto a la propia religión, nación o casta, desarrollando una visión amplia y cultivando la compañía de los buenos, ustedes pueden elevar sus vidas y hacerlas significativas y satisfactorias. Empápense de buenos pensamientos, y desarrollen una actitud magnánima hacia todos, tomando en serio las sabias palabras de los mayores y practicándolas. No malgasten la vida ni el dinero. Les deseo toda la felicidad.
- Divine Discourse, 25 Dec 1985. |
The Universe is filled with Love. Love is righteousness; Love is truth. - Baba
31 December, 2011 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
What does the Lord really want from those who call themselves His devotees? Bhagawan explains to us today. | | | | |
All the diverse communities across nations should be united. Mankind should become one family. The world will then become a paradise. If differences are allowed to grow, nations will disintegrate. Those promoting differences between people are destroying the love and compassion in human hearts. They are breaking up mankind into fragments. There is no greater sin than this. What the world needs today is the redeeming and unifying force of love---love which continually expands and embraces more and more people. By giving up narrow ideas regarding one's religion, nation or caste, by developing a broad outlook and cultivating the company of the good, you can elevate your life and make it meaningful and satisfying. Imbibe good thoughts and develop a large-hearted attitude towards all, taking to heart and practicing the wise words of elders. Do not waste both life and money. I wish you all happiness.
- Divine Discourse, 25 Dec 1985. |
The Universe is filled with Love. Love is righteousness; Love is truth. - Baba
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