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miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

SWAMI DICE ...!!!_ SWAMI SAYS...!!!_ 26/01/2012.

26 January, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the goal we must always keep in sight and why? Bhagawan reiterates the very purpose of this birth to us today.
Audio Special:
"Satsangh with a Techie
- Part 7
Click Here to Listen Now
H2H Special:
"Sai Seva: Serving
With the Mind

Click Here to Read Now

sathya sai baba
La victoria en una elección asegura poder por un período específico. Cuando este expira, el político habrá de contender una vez más y conseguir votos. Así también, los buenos actos realizados con apego asegurarán un lugar en el Cielo, mas cuando el depósito se agota, uno habrá de retornar a la Tierra. Una persona que visite una ciudad con algo de dinero a mano será amo de todos los bazares, salas de cine, hoteles y taxis, mas únicamente mientras dure el dinero. Cuando queda vacía la hucha, uno habrá de escapar de regreso a su aldea o ciudad de origen, ¡tal vez como un polizón, acosado por los policías en cada parada! No, ¡el cielo no es la solución para el anhelo del alma! El río debe llegar hasta el mar; no a las arenas del desierto; las aguas han de fundirse en el agua. Esa es la consumación llamada Kaivalya o Saayujya. Manténganse siempre enfocados en la meta de fundirse en el Señor Único y mantengan así contínuamente dominada a su mente vacilante.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 30 1965.
The realisation of God is the goal and destiny of human life. - Baba



26 January, 2012
Featured on Radio Sai:
What is the goal we must always keep in sight and why? Bhagawan reiterates the very purpose of this birth to us today.
Audio Special:
"Satsangh with a Techie
- Part 7
Click Here to Listen Now
H2H Special:
"Sai Seva: Serving
With the Mind

Click Here to Read Now

sathya sai baba

Victory at the election ensures power only for a specific period. When that period ends, the politician has to contest once again and seek votes. So too, good acts done with attachment will ensure a place in Heaven, but when the deposit is spent out, one will have to return to Earth. A person visiting a city with some cash in hand is the master of all the bazaars, cinema halls, hotels and taxis, but only to the extent the money lasts. When the purse is rendered empty, one has to escape back into his village or city of origin, perhaps as a ticketless traveller, harassed by policemen at every halt! No, heaven is no solution for the hunger of the soul! The river must reach the sea, not the desert sands; the waters have to merge with water. That is the consummation named Kaivalya orSaayujya. Keep that goal of merging with the One Lord, ever in your focus and have your wavering mind continuously in leash.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 30 1965.
The realisation of God is the goal and destiny of human life. - Baba



PERLITA SAI_26-01-2012

Veinte golpes de martillo quizás no logren romper la piedra, pero el vigésimo primero podría hacerlo.
Esto significa que los veinte golpes no sirvieron de nada. Cada uno de ellos contribuyó al logro final.

PEARL SAI_26-01-2012

20 blows with a hammer might not break the stone, but the twenty-first could do so. This means that the 20 blows not served as nothing. Each of them contributed to the final achievement.


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