16 January, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
Why is human birth considered so special and how do we make complete use of this boon? Bhagawan explains to us today. | | | | |
El nacimiento humano le es concedido a un ser viviente en cuanto corona por sus logros durante muchas vidas. Sepan que esta vida es muy inestable, la muerte está siempre al acecho y nadie sabe cuando le arrastrará a uno. No se demoren en elegir el objetivo correcto de la vida ni en decidir acerca del mejor medio para alcanzarlo. Dénle la espalda al mundo externo y sus atracciones, volviéndose hacia el ámbito interno de la consciencia. Este viaje interior será bien recompensado con el precioso tesoro del éxtasis. El mar esparce en la playa sólo conchas y espuma. Mas si uno osara sondear en sus profundidades será recompensado con corales y perlas. Esta debiera ser su verdadera misión. Si la pasaran por alto, vivirán y morirán como un animal que nada sabe de sus fuentes internas de alegría. Si descubren la fuente interna de alegría, serán Aathmaa Raama – felices, contentos, apacibles y llenos de amor.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 15, 1979.
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Know that the purpose of human birth is to reach the Lord through worship. - Baba |
16 January, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
Why is human birth considered so special and how do we make complete use of this boon? Bhagawan explains to us today. | | | | |
Human birth is granted to a living being as the crown of one’s achievement during many lives. Know that this life is very unsteady; death is always stalking and nobody knows when it will snatch one away. Do not delay in choosing the right goal of life and deciding on the best means of achieving it. Turn away from the outer world and its attractions, to the inner realm of consciousness. This inward journey will be rewarded well with the precious treasure of ecstasy. The sea scatters on the shore only shells and foam. But if one dares to dive into the depths they will be rewarded with coral and pearls. This should be your real mission. If you miss this, you live and die as an animal that has no knowledge of its inner springs of joy. If you discover the inner spring of joy, you will be Aatmaa Raama - happy, content, peaceful and loving.< /p>
- Divine Discourse, Jan 15, 1979. |
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Know that the purpose of human birth is to reach the Lord through worship. - Baba |
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