18 January, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
Bhagawan explains the importance of spiritual education and guides us to the glory of our true Selves. | | | | |
Todo el temor, la angustia, la crueldad y la injusticia que hieren al mundo de hoy son causados por el erróneo tipo de educación material. Hasta quienes prometen curar la enfermedad del cuerpo, lo tratan como si sus diferentes partes fueran materia adecuada para un estudio y tratamiento separados. Toda la naturaleza es el cuerpo de Dios y debe ser considerada como Una. La educación espiritual lleva la atención hacia la unidad detrás de toda la aparente multiplicidad. Para celebrar una ocasión o un festival, puede que hayan aseado y limpiado el polvo de sus casas y sus alrededores, pintado o blanqueado las paredes, dibujado diseños auspiciosos en el suelo o colgado coronas de flores sobre las puertas – todo esto no es más que decoración exterior. Para ser realmente felices, deben decidir eliminar los males del egoísmo, la codicia, el odio y los celos que puedan albergar. Entonces se darán cuenta en verdad de la luz dentro de sí mismos, y el Atma (Alma Suprema) alboreará en toda su gloria sobre ustedes.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 15, 1979. |
Wear the garland of Devotion around your neck and saturate your thought,
word and deed with Divine Love. - Baba |
18 January, 2012 | Featured on Radio Sai: |
Bhagawan explains the importance of spiritual education and guides us to the glory of our true Selves. | | | | |
All the fear, anxiety, cruelty and injustice that is injuring the world today is caused by the wrong type of material education. Even those who promise to cure the disease of the body, treat it as if its different parts are fit subjects for a separate study and treatment. All nature is the body of God and must be looked upon as One. Spiritual education draws attention to the unity behind all the apparent multiplicity. To celebrate an occasion or a festival, you may have dusted and cleaned your houses and their surroundings, painted and whitewashed the walls, drawn auspicious designs on the floor or put floral wreaths over your doors - all this is simply outer decoration. To be truly happy, you must decide to remove the evils of egoism, greed, hatred and jealousy within you. Then you will truly become aware of the light within you, and the Atma (Su preme Soul) will dawn on you in all its glory.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 15, 1979. |
Wear the garland of Devotion around your neck and saturate your thought,
word and deed with Divine Love. - Baba |
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