El Guru advierte y despierta. Revela la verdad y les impulsa a avanzar hacia ella. A menos que tengan el anhelo, el corazón inquisitivo, la inteligencia investigadora, no es mucho lo que él pueda hacer. Los hambrientos pueden ser alimentados; aquel que no sienta hambre descartará en alimento como una molestia. El Guru es un jardinero que cuidará la planta; mas la semilla debe ya ser un retoño antes que él pueda hacerse cargo. No le agrega nada nuevo a la planta; únicamente la ayuda a crecer según su propio destino, tal vez más rápidamente, tal vez más fuerte, mas no contra su naturaleza interna. Él elimina la pobreza espiritual señalando hacia el tesoro que yace oculto dentro de uno mismo; aconseja sobre el método para recobrarlo, el cuidado necesario para usarlo con el máximo beneficio.
Sathya Sai Baba
Traducido de la pizarra de Prasanthi Nilayam.
(Herta Pfeifer)
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Sunday, July 10, 2011
The Guru warns and wakens. He reveals the truth and encourages you to progress towards it. Unless, you have the yearning, the questioning heart, the seeking intelligence, he cannot do much. The hungry can be fed; he who has no hunger will discard food as an infliction. The Guru is a gardener, who will tend the plant; but the sapling must have sprouted before he can take charge. He does not add anything new to the plant; he only helps it to grow according to its own destiny, quicker perhaps, more fully perhaps, but, not against its inner nature. He removes the spiritual poverty by pointing to the treasure that lies buried within oneself; he advises the method of recovering it, the vigilance needed to use it to the best advantage.
PERLITA SAI_10-07-2011
Solamente comprende a Dios aquel que lo ama. Aquel que en verdad ama a Dios, sólo es comprendido por El. Los demás no pueden comprender a alguien así.
PEARL SAI_10-07-2011
Only understand God the one who loves him. The One who in truth he loves God, is only understood by the. Others cannot understand someone as well.
Divino Mensaje de Guru Purnima_Julio 2002.
Como Guru Purnima enfoques, el primero sin la presencia de nuestro divino Señor física, recordemos las palabras de Swami divino durante el 2002 Guru Purnima Discurso Divino, palabras divinas que todos nosotros debemos pensar y reflexionar.
No hagan daño a nadie. Considere las dificultades como nubes pasajeras. Que han desarrollado las
A partir de este día de Guru Purnima, dejamos de lado las dificultades que acechan. No estén
Divino Mensaje de Guru Purnima_Julio 2002.
Como Guru Purnima enfoques, el primero sin la presencia de nuestro divino Señor física, recordemos las palabras de Swami divino durante el 2002 Guru Purnima Discurso Divino, palabras divinas que todos nosotros debemos pensar y reflexionar.
No hagan daño a nadie. Considere las dificultades como nubes pasajeras. Que han desarrollado las
por relaciones familiares y no deben preocuparse . Sin embargo, no se perturben por ellos.
Cuando miramos el vasto cielo, se ven muchas nubes. Del mismo modo, en el cielo de tu corazón
hay nubes de apego. Vienen y se van. No se preocupe por ellos.
¿Cuál es la forma de la preocupación? Es un miedo creado mentalmente. Es el resultado de su
imaginación. Todo hombre está obligado a enfrentar dificultades y pérdidas. Debemos afrontarlas
con valentía.
A partir de este día de Guru Purnima, dejamos de lado las dificultades que acechan. No estén
deprimido por el dolor, ni estén muy contentos por la felicidad. Desarrollen la ecuanimidad y
esfuércense por alcanzar la Divinidad.
Divine Guru Poornima Message_July 2002.
As Guru Poornima approaches, the first without our Divine Lord's Physical presence, let us remember Swami's Divine words during the 2002 Guru Poornima Divine Discourse, Divine words which all of us should think and ponder.
Do not hurt anybody. Consider difficulties as passing clouds. You have developed family relationships and there are bound to be some worries. But do not be perturbed by them. When you look at the vast sky, you find many clouds. Likewise, in the sky of your heart there are clouds of attachment. They just come and go. Do not worry about them. What is the shape of worry? It is a mentally created fear. It is the result of your imagination. Every man is bound to encounter difficulties and losses. We should face them with courage.
From this day of Guru Purnima, make your hearts sacred. Just as you wave away the mosquitoes that bite you, brush aside any difficulties that assail you. Do not be depressed by sorrow nor be elated by happiness. Develop equanimity and strive to attain Divinity.
Divine Guru Poornima Message_July 2002.
As Guru Poornima approaches, the first without our Divine Lord's Physical presence, let us remember Swami's Divine words during the 2002 Guru Poornima Divine Discourse, Divine words which all of us should think and ponder.
Do not hurt anybody. Consider difficulties as passing clouds. You have developed family relationships and there are bound to be some worries. But do not be perturbed by them. When you look at the vast sky, you find many clouds. Likewise, in the sky of your heart there are clouds of attachment. They just come and go. Do not worry about them. What is the shape of worry? It is a mentally created fear. It is the result of your imagination. Every man is bound to encounter difficulties and losses. We should face them with courage.
From this day of Guru Purnima, make your hearts sacred. Just as you wave away the mosquitoes that bite you, brush aside any difficulties that assail you. Do not be depressed by sorrow nor be elated by happiness. Develop equanimity and strive to attain Divinity.
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