Por momentos, vuestra mente puede que revolotee y se acuclille sobre todos y cada uno de los objetos en el universo. Puede que rehuse mantenerse sólo en una idea, Dios. Como la mosca que se para sobre lo limpio y lo sucio, esta mente oscilante también es destruida cuando se estabiliza en Dios. Permitan que el Nombre de Dios, Raama, entre a su mente, Kaama (deseo) emprenderá la huída. El deseo cesa cuando Dios se toma la mente. Hagan de su corazón un Prasanthi Nilayam (Morada de la Paz). La transformación habrá de empezar desde este mismo momento. Analicen sus palabras, acciones y pensamientos, y desháganse de lo malo que les perjudica a ustedes y a otros; luego, en su lugar cultiven el Sahana (fortaleza), el Shanti (paz firme) y el Sathya (decir sólo la verdad).
Sathya Sai Baba
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Thursday, October 06, 2011
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Thursday, October 06, 2011
At times, your mind may flutter and squat on all and sundry objects in the universe. It may refuse to stay only on one idea, God. Like the fly that sits on fair and fouls, the mind too can flee from all thoughts of God. The fly will be destroyed if it sits on fire; the wavering mind too is destroyed, when it dwells on God. Let the Name of God, Raama enter your mind, Kaama (desire) then, will flee. Desire ceases, when God seizes the mind. Make your heart a Prasanthi Nilayam (Abode of Peace). The transformation must begin from this very moment. Analyse your words, deeds, and thoughts and get rid of the evil ones that harm you and others; then, cultivate instead the Sahana (fortitude), Shanti (firm peace) and Sathya (speaking only the truth).
PERLITA SAI_06-10-2011
PERLITA SAI_06-10-2011
¿ De que te sirve cubrir completamente las paredes de tu casa con imágenes de Swami, si no esta instalado en tu corazón?...SAI BABA
PEARL SAI_06-10-2011
That serves you completely cover the walls of your home with pictures of Swami, if it is not installed in your heart?...SAI BABA
Lluvia Lluvia Vete - Prof. N. Kasturi
Recuerdo un incidente divertido. Estábamos en Coorge, lugar de más alta caída de lluvias en el sur de India, y una vez que empieza a llover no para por 10-15 días.
Lluvia Lluvia Vete - Prof. N. Kasturi
Recuerdo un incidente divertido. Estábamos en Coorge, lugar de más alta caída de lluvias en el sur de India, y una vez que empieza a llover no para por 10-15 días.
Baba estaba allí, por lo que fue una reunión pública a la intemperie. Yo iba a traducir su discurso en telegu al Canarés, el idioma de la zona.
Antes de que Baba hablara, él me pidió que dijera algo. Y como un tonto, yo empecé a hablar de las lluvia como tema.
Todo el público, había alrededor de 10. 000 personas, estaba mirando hacia atrás, hacia las montañas a la distancia, porque eran conscientes de que la lluvia iba a llegar pronto a ellos.
Todo el público, había alrededor de 10. 000 personas, estaba mirando hacia atrás, hacia las montañas a la distancia, porque eran conscientes de que la lluvia iba a llegar pronto a ellos.
Así que les dije en mi discurso, "¿Por qué miran para atrás todos ustedes, hacia las montañas a la distancia? No va a haber lluvia, porque Baba, ha dicho que su función no se verá afectado por la lluvia ", y les contó una historia que se encuentra en el Bhagavad Gita.
La historia es que Indra - el dios de la lluvia, sintió que fue insultado por Krishna, quien quería que la adoración de Indra que se detenga y quería que la montaña sea adorada.
La historia es que Indra - el dios de la lluvia, sintió que fue insultado por Krishna, quien quería que la adoración de Indra que se detenga y quería que la montaña sea adorada.
Krishna dijo: "¿Por qué todos adorando a Dios en el cielo, debemos adorar a esta montaña, ya que está lleno de árboles, y es esta montaña que hace que caiga la lluvia, así crece la hierba para alimentar el ganado y por lo tanto, tenemos que estar agradecidos a la montaña y no a un dios imaginario que vive en el cielo ".
Por lo tanto, se detuvo y la adoración de Indra, el se enojó y derramó toneladas de lluvia en cada centímetro cuadrado de la tierra. Dicen que Krishna levantó la colina con un dedo, como paraguas y por debajo de la colina, la población entera y el ganado fueron protegidos.
Le dije a la audiencia que Swami puede parar la lluvia, sin levantar la colina, como lo hizo en el tiempo de Krishna.
Cuando Swami comenzó su discurso, tuve que traducir, así que estaba de pie a su lado. Cuando miré las sierras a lo lejos, vi la lluvia cada vez más cerca. Que bajaba de las colinas, que ya estaba atacando a los llanos, y se dirigía hacia la ciudad. Estaba muy cerca, la distancia era tan pequeña que podía sentir el viento frío que la acompaña, y todo el tiempo dedique a orar en mi mente, "Swami, por favor, no dejes que llueva. Si llega aquí, la gente se desilusionara. Swami lo siento, yo he contado la historia en la que controlas la lluvia. Debería haberte pedido permiso! Pero no lo hice, así que tienes que perdonarme por mi impertinencia ".
Me sentía terrible! Mi mente estaba confundida. Pero yo tenía que escuchar a Swami y traducir su discurso, así que tuve que reducir mi temor. Fui torturado terriblemente durante una hora, mientras Swami hablaba.
Le dije a la audiencia que Swami puede parar la lluvia, sin levantar la colina, como lo hizo en el tiempo de Krishna.
Cuando Swami comenzó su discurso, tuve que traducir, así que estaba de pie a su lado. Cuando miré las sierras a lo lejos, vi la lluvia cada vez más cerca. Que bajaba de las colinas, que ya estaba atacando a los llanos, y se dirigía hacia la ciudad. Estaba muy cerca, la distancia era tan pequeña que podía sentir el viento frío que la acompaña, y todo el tiempo dedique a orar en mi mente, "Swami, por favor, no dejes que llueva. Si llega aquí, la gente se desilusionara. Swami lo siento, yo he contado la historia en la que controlas la lluvia. Debería haberte pedido permiso! Pero no lo hice, así que tienes que perdonarme por mi impertinencia ".
Me sentía terrible! Mi mente estaba confundida. Pero yo tenía que escuchar a Swami y traducir su discurso, así que tuve que reducir mi temor. Fui torturado terriblemente durante una hora, mientras Swami hablaba.
Continué rezando a Dios en mi mente, "Swami, pon fin a este discurso, viene la lluvia. Swami por favor, para, viene la lluvia". Sin embargo, no se detuvo. Incluso habló mas de lo habitual. Y, finalmente, dijo.
Este Kasturi, aunque contó la historia de la lluvia, no tiene fe, todo el tiempo se preocupaba en su mente, si iba a ser capaz de detener la lluvia. La lluvia vendrá ahora. Estará aquí en unos 15 minutos. Así que todo vayan a sus casas ".
Este Kasturi, aunque contó la historia de la lluvia, no tiene fe, todo el tiempo se preocupaba en su mente, si iba a ser capaz de detener la lluvia. La lluvia vendrá ahora. Estará aquí en unos 15 minutos. Así que todo vayan a sus casas ".
Rain Rain Go Away - Prof. N. Kasturi
I remember another funny incident. We were in Coorge, where the rain fall is the highest in the South, and once it starts raining it goes on for 10-15 days. Baba was there, so there was a public meeting in the open. I was to translate His Telegu speech into Kannada, the language of the area. Before Baba spoke, He asked me to say something. And like a fool, I started with rain as the subject.
Everyone in the audience, there were about 10, 000 people, were looking back at the hills in the distance, because they were conscious that the rain would be coming soon upon them. So I said in my speech, "Why are you turning back like that all of you, looking at the mountain ranges in the distance'? There won't be any rain because wherever Baba is, He has said His functions will never be disturbed by rain", and I told them a story that is in the Bhagavad Gita.
The story is that Indra - the God of rain, felt that he was insulted by Krishna who wanted the Indra worship to be stopped and he wanted the mountain in that region to be worshipped. Krishna said, "Why is everyone worshipping God in the sky, we must worship this mountain because it is full of trees, and it is this mountain that brings down the rain that grows the grass for our cattle to feed and therefore we must be thankful to the mountain and not to some imaginary God who lives in the sky". Hence, Indra worship stopped and Indra got angry and He poured tonnes of rain on every square inch of the ground. Krishna lifted up the hill with one finger, they say, and underneath the hill, the entire population of man and the cattle were sheltered.
I told the audience that Swami can stop the rain without lifting up the hill, as was done in Krishna's time.
When Swami began His speech, I had to translate, so I was standing by His side. When I looked at the mountain range in the distance, I saw the rain coming closer. It came down the hills, it was attacking the plains, it was coming towards the town. It came very close; the distance was so small that we could feel the cold wind that was accompanying it, and all the time I was engaged in praying within my mind, "Swami, please stop that rain, If it comes here, people will be disillusioned. I am sorry Swami, I should have asked you whether I could give the story of You being able to control the rain. I should have asked You! But I did not, so You have to pardon me for my impertinence".
I was feeling terrible! My mind was in a dither. But I had to listen to Swami and translate His speech, and so I had to cut down my fear. I was terribly tortured during that one hour whilst Swami spoke. I continued to pray to Him in my mind, "Swami, stop this speech, the rain is coming. Swami please stop, the rain is coming". But He would not stop; He even spoke for extra time. And finally He said.
This Kasturi, though he gave the story of the rain, does not have faith, all the time he worried in his mind whether I will be able to stop the rain. The rain will come now. It will be here in about 15 minutes. So all of you get home".
Rain Rain Go Away - Prof. N. Kasturi
I remember another funny incident. We were in Coorge, where the rain fall is the highest in the South, and once it starts raining it goes on for 10-15 days. Baba was there, so there was a public meeting in the open. I was to translate His Telegu speech into Kannada, the language of the area. Before Baba spoke, He asked me to say something. And like a fool, I started with rain as the subject.
Everyone in the audience, there were about 10, 000 people, were looking back at the hills in the distance, because they were conscious that the rain would be coming soon upon them. So I said in my speech, "Why are you turning back like that all of you, looking at the mountain ranges in the distance'? There won't be any rain because wherever Baba is, He has said His functions will never be disturbed by rain", and I told them a story that is in the Bhagavad Gita.
The story is that Indra - the God of rain, felt that he was insulted by Krishna who wanted the Indra worship to be stopped and he wanted the mountain in that region to be worshipped. Krishna said, "Why is everyone worshipping God in the sky, we must worship this mountain because it is full of trees, and it is this mountain that brings down the rain that grows the grass for our cattle to feed and therefore we must be thankful to the mountain and not to some imaginary God who lives in the sky". Hence, Indra worship stopped and Indra got angry and He poured tonnes of rain on every square inch of the ground. Krishna lifted up the hill with one finger, they say, and underneath the hill, the entire population of man and the cattle were sheltered.
I told the audience that Swami can stop the rain without lifting up the hill, as was done in Krishna's time.
When Swami began His speech, I had to translate, so I was standing by His side. When I looked at the mountain range in the distance, I saw the rain coming closer. It came down the hills, it was attacking the plains, it was coming towards the town. It came very close; the distance was so small that we could feel the cold wind that was accompanying it, and all the time I was engaged in praying within my mind, "Swami, please stop that rain, If it comes here, people will be disillusioned. I am sorry Swami, I should have asked you whether I could give the story of You being able to control the rain. I should have asked You! But I did not, so You have to pardon me for my impertinence".
I was feeling terrible! My mind was in a dither. But I had to listen to Swami and translate His speech, and so I had to cut down my fear. I was terribly tortured during that one hour whilst Swami spoke. I continued to pray to Him in my mind, "Swami, stop this speech, the rain is coming. Swami please stop, the rain is coming". But He would not stop; He even spoke for extra time. And finally He said.
This Kasturi, though he gave the story of the rain, does not have faith, all the time he worried in his mind whether I will be able to stop the rain. The rain will come now. It will be here in about 15 minutes. So all of you get home".
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