Ustedes saben que surge fuego cuando se frotan entre sí dos trozos de leña. ¿Sólo el que se junten los leños produce fuego? No. Habría que reconocer que el fuego ya existe latente en ambos palos. El fuego surge cuando se les frota debido a que ya está latente en ellos. Está latente y no es perceptible. El fuego oculto en la leña se hace manifiesto por el Sadhana (el proceso del frotarlos). Estos palos simbolizan al cuerpo humano. A través de todo este cuerpo humano que es inerte, se encuentra presente en forma sutil el fuego del Jnana (sabiduría). El poder Divino trasmina cada parte de su cuerpo. Debieran usarlo de manera correcta y desarrollar buenas cualidades. Deben convertirse en una mina de buena conducta. Entonces, según el estado de pureza del templo, vale decir, su cuerpo, se manifestará en ustedes el poder de lo Divino.
Sathya Sai Baba
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Tuesday, October 04, 2011
You are aware that fire emerges when one stick is rubbed against another. Does the mere coming together of two sticks produce the fire? No. It should be recognised that fire is already latent in both the sticks. Fire emerges from the rubbing of the sticks because fire is latent in them already. The fire is latent and not perceptible. The fire hidden in the wood is made manifest by Sadhana (the process of rubbing the sticks). These sticks symbolise the human body. In this human body, which is inert, the fire of Jnana (wisdom) is present in subtle form throughout. Divine power pervades every part of your body. You should put it to proper use and must develop good qualities. You must become a treasure house of good conduct. Then, according to the state of purity of the temple, your body, the power of the Divine will be manifested in you.
PERLITA SAI_04-10-2011
El servicio es la mejor forma de adoración...SAI BABA
PEARL SAI_04-10-2011
The service is the best form of worship...SAI BABA
Sai Ram - Los últimos tres días de Navarathri se dedica a la diosa Sarasvati
Las últimas tres noches de Navarathri se utilizan en la invocación de la diosa Saraswati. La victoria sobre la mente sólo se puede obtener a través del conocimiento adecuado y el profundo conocimiento, la diosa Saraswati simboliza el mayor conocimiento de sí mismo.
El Señor Krishna dice en el Bhagavad Gita: "El conocimiento, es el conocimiento del Ser ", y añade: "Es mi vibhuti, mi gloria".
Si no tenemos el conocimiento de sí mismo, entonces nuestro conocimiento de todos los otros temas no tiene ningún valor real. El conocimiento del Ser, está representada por la diosa Saraswati.
La Diosa Saraswati es adorada como la dador de la verdadera sabiduría y comprensión. Una vez que el devoto ha sido purificado por la diosa Durga y ha aniquilado sus vicios, y una vez que ha recibido la riqueza espiritual de la paz interior, la tranquilidad, la compasión y el amor, que le da Maha Laxmi, entonces está listo para recibir la verdadera luz de la comprensión.
La Diosa Saraswati es adorada como la dador de la verdadera sabiduría y comprensión. Una vez que el devoto ha sido purificado por la diosa Durga y ha aniquilado sus vicios, y una vez que ha recibido la riqueza espiritual de la paz interior, la tranquilidad, la compasión y el amor, que le da Maha Laxmi, entonces está listo para recibir la verdadera luz de la comprensión.
Esta sabiduría no puede venir a menos que el devoto haya pasado por las dos primeras etapas.
Así como no se vierte néctar divino en un vaso sucio, roto o impuro, no se puede esperar de manera similar que la sabiduría divina sea otorgada a menos que el contenedor haya sido purificado.
Debemos concentrarnos en los últimos tres días de Navarathri, escuchando y contemplando a la Diosa Saraswathi, sin cuya bendición, la vida sagrada , no tiene sentido.
Debemos concentrarnos en los últimos tres días de Navarathri, escuchando y contemplando a la Diosa Saraswathi, sin cuya bendición, la vida sagrada , no tiene sentido.
Sai Ram - The last three days of Navarathri are dedicated to Goddess Saraswathi
The final three nights of Navarathri are spent in the invocation of Goddess Saraswati. Victory over the mind can be gained only through the proper knowledge and thorough understanding; Goddess Saraswati symbolizes this highest knowledge of the Self. Lord Krishna himself says in the Bhagavad Gita: "The knowledge of the Self is the knowledge"; and He adds, "It is My vibhuti, My glory." If we do not have the knowledge of the Self, then our knowledge of all other subjects has no real worth. The knowledge of the Self that is represented by Goddess Saraswati.
Goddess Saraswati is worshipped as the bestower of true wisdom and understanding. Once the devotee has been purified by Goddess Durga and has had his vices annihilated, and once he has had the spiritual wealth of inner peace, calmness, compassion and love bestowed upon him by Maha Laxmi, then he is ready to receive the true light of understanding. This wisdom cannot come unless the devotee has passed through the first two stages. Just as one would not pour divine nectar into an unclean, broken and impure cup, one can similarly not expect to have divine wisdom granted unless the vessel has been purified and made divine
Let us concentrate on the last three days of Navarathri reading, listening & watching Goddess Saraswathi without whose blessings, this most sacred life of ours has no meaning.
Sai Ram - The last three days of Navarathri are dedicated to Goddess Saraswathi
The final three nights of Navarathri are spent in the invocation of Goddess Saraswati. Victory over the mind can be gained only through the proper knowledge and thorough understanding; Goddess Saraswati symbolizes this highest knowledge of the Self. Lord Krishna himself says in the Bhagavad Gita: "The knowledge of the Self is the knowledge"; and He adds, "It is My vibhuti, My glory." If we do not have the knowledge of the Self, then our knowledge of all other subjects has no real worth. The knowledge of the Self that is represented by Goddess Saraswati.
Goddess Saraswati is worshipped as the bestower of true wisdom and understanding. Once the devotee has been purified by Goddess Durga and has had his vices annihilated, and once he has had the spiritual wealth of inner peace, calmness, compassion and love bestowed upon him by Maha Laxmi, then he is ready to receive the true light of understanding. This wisdom cannot come unless the devotee has passed through the first two stages. Just as one would not pour divine nectar into an unclean, broken and impure cup, one can similarly not expect to have divine wisdom granted unless the vessel has been purified and made divine
Let us concentrate on the last three days of Navarathri reading, listening & watching Goddess Saraswathi without whose blessings, this most sacred life of ours has no meaning.
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