Lograrán un rápido progreso en la senda espiritual si llegan a superar los difíciles obstáculos de la ira, el orgullo, la vanidad, la tendencia a buscar faltas en los demás etc. Ello opera subconscientemente, como las corrientes en las profundidades del océano. Deben mantenerse vigilantes para no enojarse hasta por pequeñeces, porque ello impedirá su progreso. Cultiven el amor y la humildad hacia todos. Así se desprenderán de ustedes los hábitos indeseables, puesto que el enojo es padre de toda mala conducta. La ira puede llevar a cualquier persona por malos caminos, en cualquier momento y de cualquier manera. Por ende, sublímenla primero mediante un esfuerzo sistemático. Acepten con agrado a todo el que señale sus defectos, en verdad muéstrense agradecidos. Nunca vayan a odiarles, porque ello es tan malo como odiar a "los buenos". Deben amar lo "bueno" y descartar lo "malo". Recuerden que lo "malo" no ha de ser odiado. Ha de ser desechado, evitado.
Sathya Sai Baba
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Saturday, October 22, 2011
You will attain quick progress in the spiritual path if you overcome the difficult obstacles, viz. anger, pride, conceit, the tendency to discover the faults of others, etc. These operate subconsciously, as the currents in the depths of the ocean. You must be vigilant not to lose your temper on even small things, for that will hinder your progress. Cultivate love and humility towards all. Then, undesirable habits will fall away from you, since anger is the parent of all wrong behaviour. Anger can turn any person into bad ways, any moment, and in any form. So, sublimate it first by systematic effort. Welcome gladly anyone who points out your defects; indeed, be grateful to them. Never entertain hatred against them, for that is as bad as hating the “good”. You must love the “good” and discard the “bad”. Remember, the “bad” should not be hated. It has to be given up, avoided.
PERLITA SAI_22-10-2011
La meta de todas las religiones es la aniquilación del falso yo, a fin de que Dios reine en el yo verdadero.
PEARL SAI_22-10-2011
The goal of all religions is the annihilation of the false i, in order that God reign in the true myself.
Sai Ram - orar ante el Divino Maha Samadhi
¿Por qué debo ir a Prashanti Nilayam? ¿Qué es lo que voy a ver allí? ¿Quién está ahí para cuidar de mí? ¿Quién está ahí para darme amor ? ¿Hay alguien que muestre la misma preocupación como antes? ¿Qué es lo que puedo obtener ? "
"¿Qué es Samadhi? ¿Por qué tengo que visitarlo ? "¿Es necesario visitarlo mañana y tarde, todos los días? Es sólo una estructura física formada por cemento, arena, hierro, mármol y piedra, eso es todo. ¿Por qué debo ir todos los días?
Tenemos un interruptor eléctrico. Una vez que lo enciendo, la corriente fluye. Ese interruptor es el Samadhi. Me conecta con la corriente invisible. Tal es la relación entre el yo y el Samadhi.
El Samadhi es un lugar sagrado de culto. Recibe toda la devoción de los devotos y se eleva en su poder. Día a día el poder se incrementa debido a los devotos que vienen aquí.
Cuando voy al Samadhi, reciben energía del Samadhi. Yo envío mi amor al Samadhi, y recibo de vuelta la energía a cambio.
Cuando usted va a Prashanti Nilayam, cuando la brisa fresca nos toca, entiendo que Baba me está tocando. Al oler la dulce fragancia de las flores, el dulce aroma u olor que viene de las flores allí, es el movimiento de Baba con su túnica roja, caminando delante de nosotros.
Al escuchar los melodiosos bhajans allí, vamos a sentir que "estoy escuchando los bhajans de Baba, y Baba me está hablando". Cuando me voy acercando cada vez más al Samadhi, me hizo sentir que mi padre quiere abrazarme . Déjame darte un abrazo.
Sai Ram - Pray before the Divine Maha Samadhi
Why should I go to Prashanthi Nilayam? What is it that I am going to see there? Who is there to care for me? Who is there to shower love on me? Is there anyone to show equal concern as before? What is it that I get there?”
“What is Samadhi? Why should I see it?” Is it necessary to see it morning and evening, every day? It is just a physical structure made up of cement, sand, iron, marble and stone, that’s all. Why should I go there every day?
We have an electrical switch. Once I switch it on, the current then flows. That switch is the Samadhi. When I put the current on, the current flows unseen. Such is the relationship between me and the Samadhi.
The Samadhi is a sacred place of worship. It receives all the devotion of the devotees and rises in its mighty power. Day-by-day the power increases due to the devotees who come here.
When I go to the Samadhi, I receive energy from Samadhi. I send my love to Samadhi and receive back energy in return.
When you go to Prashanthi Nilayam, when the cool breeze touches you, understand that Baba is touching you. When you smell the sweet fragrance of the flowers—the sweet aroma or scent that comes from the flowers there— it is the movement of Baba in His red robe, walking in front of us.
As we listen to the melodious bhajans there, let us feel that ‘I am listening to Baba’s bhajans, and Baba is talking to me’. When I go closer and closer to the Samadhi, let me feel that my Father wants to have a deep hug. Let me hug Him. Let me have that experience of a hug as I am close to the Samadhi.
Sai Ram - Pray before the Divine Maha Samadhi
Why should I go to Prashanthi Nilayam? What is it that I am going to see there? Who is there to care for me? Who is there to shower love on me? Is there anyone to show equal concern as before? What is it that I get there?”
“What is Samadhi? Why should I see it?” Is it necessary to see it morning and evening, every day? It is just a physical structure made up of cement, sand, iron, marble and stone, that’s all. Why should I go there every day?
We have an electrical switch. Once I switch it on, the current then flows. That switch is the Samadhi. When I put the current on, the current flows unseen. Such is the relationship between me and the Samadhi.
The Samadhi is a sacred place of worship. It receives all the devotion of the devotees and rises in its mighty power. Day-by-day the power increases due to the devotees who come here.
When I go to the Samadhi, I receive energy from Samadhi. I send my love to Samadhi and receive back energy in return.
When you go to Prashanthi Nilayam, when the cool breeze touches you, understand that Baba is touching you. When you smell the sweet fragrance of the flowers—the sweet aroma or scent that comes from the flowers there— it is the movement of Baba in His red robe, walking in front of us.
As we listen to the melodious bhajans there, let us feel that ‘I am listening to Baba’s bhajans, and Baba is talking to me’. When I go closer and closer to the Samadhi, let me feel that my Father wants to have a deep hug. Let me hug Him. Let me have that experience of a hug as I am close to the Samadhi.
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