Mucha gente emprende el Sadhana (ejercicios espirituales) con el objeto de realizar la Divinidad. Mas si no entienden las cualidades humanas, todos los esfuerzos se vuelven ejercicios futiles. Sin aprender el alfabeto, ¿cómo podría uno entender el significado y el uso de las palabras, las frases y las oraciones? Los Valores Humanos constituyen el alfabeto básico de la espiritualidad. Desarrollen los valores humanos con una fe inalterable en lo Divino. Domínenlos y su Sadhana será eficaz. También debieran entender que no existe placer sin dolor y que el dolor no es sino un intervalo entre dos placeres. Cada vez que sufran una experiencia dolorosa, debieran tener una fe firme en que no es sino por algo bueno que disfrutarán en el futuro cercano. Dejen de preocuparse. Distingan entre lo bueno y lo malo. No dañen a nadie. Entonces siempre gozarán de paz.
Sathya Sai Baba
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Many people undertake Sadhana (spiritual exercises) in order to realize Divinity. But if they don't understand human qualities, all the efforts become exercises in futility. Without learning the alphabets, how can one pick up the meaning and usage of words, phrases and sentences? Human Values are the basic alphabets of spirituality. Develop human values and unflinching faith in the Divine. Master this, and your Sadhana will be effective. You should also understand that there is no pleasure without pain and pain is only an interval between two pleasures. Whenever you get a painful experience you should have the firm faith that it is for something good that you will be enjoying in the near future. Stop worrying. Discriminate between good and bad. Do not harm anyone. Then you can always have peace.
PERLITA SAI_11-10-2011
Observen las leyes del estado y sean ciudadanos ejemplares...SAI BABA
PEARL SAI_11-10-2011
Observe the laws of the state and are exemplary citizens...SAI BABA
Sai Ram - Vaikuntha y Ekadasi.
Vaikuntha significa, sin ningún rastro de tristeza o dolor, el lugar donde reina la paz perfecta, y no existe el miedo. Ekaadhashi significa el undécimo día de la quincena lunar.
Las fases de la Luna están contadas, y al día siguiente de la décima Dhashami, se conoce como la Ekaa-dhashi !
Pero el verdadero significado de Ekaadhashi, la undécima, es la siguiente: Cuando los diez sentidos - los cinco sentidos de la acción y los cinco sentidos a través de los cuales se obtiene el conocimiento del mundo objetivo - son coordinados y se vuelven en la dirección de Dios, el XI, entonces se convierte en verdadero Ekaadhashi !
- Discurso de Bhagavan, Ekadasi , 7 de December'1971.
Vaikunta and Ekadasi
Vaikuntha means, without any trace of grief or pain; the place where perfect peace reigns, and there is no flutter of fear. Ekaadhashi means the eleventh day of the lunar fortnight.
The phases of the moon are numbered, and the day after the tenth, Dhashami, is referred to as the Ekaa-dhashi! But the real meaning of Ekaadhashi, the eleventh, is this: When the ten senses - the five senses of action and the five through which knowledge of the objective world is gained - are all co-ordinated and turned in the direction of God, the eleventh, then it becomes genuine Ekaadhashi!
- From Bhagawan's Vaikunta Ekadasi on 7th December'1971.
- Discurso de Bhagavan, Ekadasi , 7 de December'1971.
Vaikunta and Ekadasi
Vaikuntha means, without any trace of grief or pain; the place where perfect peace reigns, and there is no flutter of fear. Ekaadhashi means the eleventh day of the lunar fortnight.
The phases of the moon are numbered, and the day after the tenth, Dhashami, is referred to as the Ekaa-dhashi! But the real meaning of Ekaadhashi, the eleventh, is this: When the ten senses - the five senses of action and the five through which knowledge of the objective world is gained - are all co-ordinated and turned in the direction of God, the eleventh, then it becomes genuine Ekaadhashi!
- From Bhagawan's Vaikunta Ekadasi on 7th December'1971.
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