El progreso espiritual se logra siempre que cada paso en la práctica espiritual se supere con éxito. Al seguir con constancia las varias formas de la nonaple devoción, puede que es progreso sea lento, aunque es seguro que se produce. El Señor tiene Sus manos, pies, rostro y formas por doquier, porque está en todo. Vé a través de todos los ojos. Piensa, planea y resuelve en todas las cabezas. Come a través de todas las bocas, escucha a través de cada oído. Aunque tal vez les sea cara una forma, pueden adorarle en cuanto todas las formas. Esta manera de adorarle como estando presente en cada uno se denomina como Prathi Roopa Upasana. representa al más elevado ideal que revela la suprema verdad – Él está latente en todos los seres; Él opera invisible en y a través de todos.
Sathya Sai Baba
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Spiritual progress is always achieved when each step in the spiritual practice is successfully negotiated. By constantly following the various forms of the nine-fold devotion, spiritual progress may be slow, but is sure to come. The Lord has His hands, feet, face and forms everywhere, for He is in all. He sees through all the eyes. He thinks, plans and resolves in all heads. He eats through all the mouths, hears through every ear. Though one form may be dear to you, you can adore Him as all forms. This form of worshipping Him as present in each is called as Prathi Roopa Upasana, is the highest ideal revealing the highest truth — He is latent in all beings; He operates unseen in and through all.
PERLITA SAI_18_10-2011
No hay necesidad de que se extenúen buscando a Dios. Él está ahí. Él no proviene de un lugar ni va a otro. Él se encuentra aquí, allá y en todas partes. Desde el átomo al cosmos. Desde el microcosmo al macrocosmo. Él es todo...SAI BABA
PEARL SAI_18-10-2011
There is no need for extenuen seeking God. He is there. He does not come from a place or going to another. He is here, there and everywhere. Since the atom in the cosmos. From the microcosm to the macrocosm. He is everything...SAI BABA
Tu mente es la única responsable de tus alegrías y tristezas - Bhagavan
Se dice que, "Manomoolam Idam Jagat" (El mundo es una proyección de nuestra mente).
Nuestra Vak (voz) representa a Shiva. No necesitamos ir a ninguna parte en busca de los dioses, a un lugar distante. Dios está en nosotros, con nosotros, por encima de nosotros, por debajo de nosotros y alrededor nuestro. De hecho, tú eres Dios.
Tu mente es la única responsable de tu alegría o tristeza. Creemos que el dolor nos afecta por alguien externo.... ¡No!
Todas estas experiencias se derivan de si mismo. Tu eres responsable de todo. Si tu te identificas con el mundo y piensas "yo soy fulano de tal", te mantendrá separado de Dios.
Por otro lado, si te das cuenta de que todas las experiencias emanan de tu mente, y que tú eres Dios, te convertirás en Dios!
-Del Discurso Divino de Bhagavan del 22 de noviembre de 2009.
Your mind is alone responsible for your joys and sorrows - Bhagawan
It is said that, "Manomoolam Idam Jagat" (The world is a projection of our mind). Our Vak (speech) represents Shiva. We need not go anywhere in search of Gods, to a distant place. God is in us, with us, above us, below us and around us. In fact, you are God. Your mind alone is responsible for your joy or sorrow. We think sorrow is thrust on us by someone from outside. No! All these experiences flow from you only. You are responsible for everything. If you identify yourself with the world and think "I am so and so" you will remain separate from God. On the other hand, if you realize that all experiences emanate from your mind, and that you are God, you will become God!
-From Bhagawan's Divine Discourse on 22nd Nov 2009.
Your mind is alone responsible for your joys and sorrows - Bhagawan
It is said that, "Manomoolam Idam Jagat" (The world is a projection of our mind). Our Vak (speech) represents Shiva. We need not go anywhere in search of Gods, to a distant place. God is in us, with us, above us, below us and around us. In fact, you are God. Your mind alone is responsible for your joy or sorrow. We think sorrow is thrust on us by someone from outside. No! All these experiences flow from you only. You are responsible for everything. If you identify yourself with the world and think "I am so and so" you will remain separate from God. On the other hand, if you realize that all experiences emanate from your mind, and that you are God, you will become God!
-From Bhagawan's Divine Discourse on 22nd Nov 2009.
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