Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam
Todo ser humano tiene las malas tendencias de kama (lujuria), krodha (ira), lobha (codicia), etc. en sí. Las epopeyas nos enseñan a controlar estos verdaderos enemigos. Hiranyakasipu era un gran científico. Tenía el control de los cinco elementos, pero se convirtió en víctima de su ira. Su ira se dirigió a Dios y, en definitiva, se arruinó a sí mismo. Sometió a su hijo a muchas pruebas y tribulaciones y quiso matarlo arrojándolo desde la cima de la colina, arrojándolo al mar, empujándolo a un pozo de serpientes venenosas y haciendo que los elefantes lo pisotearan. Prahlada cantó el nombre de Narayana sin cesar, y salió ileso y victorioso. Por eso se dice: Yath bhavam, that Bhavati (Como es el sentimiento, así es la experiencia). Dios se manifiesta en base a los sentimientos del devoto. Si oran a Dios con pureza de corazón y amor, Lo experimentarán como tal. (Divino Discurso, 18 de marzo de 1999)
Every human being has the evil tendencies of kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), etc. in them. The epics teach us to control these real enemies. Hiranyakasipu was a great scientist. He had control over all five elements, but became a victim of his anger. His anger was directed at God and ultimately, he ruined himself. He subjected his son to many trials and tribulations and sought to kill him by throwing him from the hilltop, casting him into the sea, pushing him into a pit of poisonous snakes and making elephants trample on him. Prahlada chanted the name of Narayana ceaselessly, and emerged unscathed and victorious. That is why it is said, Yath bhavam, that bhavathi (As is the feeling, so is the experience). God manifests on the basis of the feelings of the devotee. If you pray to God with purity of heart and love, you will experience Him as such. (Divine Discourse, 18 March 1999)
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