Upasana significa la adquisición de la Presencia de lo Divino, el logro de la Bienaventuranza de la veneración. La tradición Védica aprueba cuatro sendas como legítimas y fructíferas para alcanzar este logro. Ellas se llaman Sathyavathi, Angavathi, Anyavathi y Nidaanavathi. Hoy nos ocuparemos del Sathyavathi. La escritura define a lo Divino así : "Sarva Vyaapinam Aatmaanam, Ksheere sarpith iva arpitham" – El Atma es inmanente por doquier, del mismo modo en que el ghee interpenetra cada gota de leche. Cuando el buscador persigue la Verdad con esta convicción impulsando su empresa, sus prácticas espirituales se denominan Sathyavathi (basadas en la Verdad). "Maayathitham idam sarvam, jagada-vyaktha moorthinaa", el Señor declara, "en Mi forma latente, estoy en la Creación entera, operando el misterio. Véanme en todo esto, vean todo esto como Yo". Cuando uno logra el éxito en este esfuerzo, la senda de Sathyavathi llevará a la victoria. "Yo seré visible para ti como todo esto y en todo esto", asegura el Señor. El Señor le promete esta visión de Inmanencia y de Trascendencia a quienquiera que persista con sinceridad por esta senda de Sathyavathi.
Sathya Sai Baba
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Wednesday, September 28, 2011
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Upasana means the acquisition of the Presence of the Divine, the achievement of the Bliss of adoration. Vedic tradition sanctions four paths as legitimate and fruitful to win this achievement. They are called Sathyavathi, Angavathi, Anyavathi and Nidaanavathi. We shall consider the path of Sathyavathi today. The scripture defines the Divine thus: “Sarva Vyaapinam Aatmaanam, Ksheere sarpith iva arpitham”—The Atma is immanent everywhere, just as ghee inter-penetrates every drop of milk. When the seeker pursues the Truth with this conviction urging his endeavour, his spiritual practices are called Sathyavathi (Truth-based). “Maaya thitham idam sarvam, jagada-vyaktha moorthinaa,” the Lord declares. “In My latent form, I am in entire Creation, operating the mystery. See in Me all this, see all this as Me.” When one succeeds in this effort the Sathyavathi path will lead to success. “I shall be visible to you as all this and in all this,” the Lord assures. The Lord promises this vision of Immanence and Transcendence to whomsoever that persists with sincerity on this Sathyavathi path.
PERLITA SAI_28-09-2011
Así como una persona sin aliento, muere; la vida desprovista de verdad es inútil y se vuelve una morada para la contienda y la congoja...SAI BABA
PEARL SAI_28-09-2011
As well as a person without encouragement, dies; the life devoid of truth is useless and becomes a dwelling place for the battle, and the grieving process...SAI BABA
Dios no se enoja con nadie - Bhagavan
Dios parece estar enojado a veces. Pero, eso no es real. Con el fin de poner a los devotos en el camino correcto, Él pretende estar enojado. Si Él no actuara así, no habría ninguna posibilidad para los devotos de cambiar su comportamiento. El fingir estar enojado es un drama. Dios no tiene ningún rastro de ira en él. Cuando cometemos errores, o andamos por el camino equivocado, tenemos miedo de que Dios se enoje con nosotros.
Pero, Dios sólo pretende estar enojado en tales ocasiones para que tomen conciencia de sus propias faltas y deficiencias.
Por ejemplo, cuando Swami esta lejos de ti, te sientes muy triste y crees que Swami no te está hablando, porque Él está enojado contigo. De hecho, Swami no sabe lo que es la ira. Él es la encarnación del amor. Él está lleno de amor. Sin embargo, en algunas raras ocasiones, cuando habla con dureza, puede ser mal interpretado, y pensar que Él está enojado .
- A partir de 2004 Discurso de Bhagavan Ganesha Chaturthi Divino.
- A partir de 2004 Discurso de Bhagavan Ganesha Chaturthi Divino.
God is never angry with anyone - Bhagawan
God appears to be angry at times. But, that is not real anger. In order to put the devotees on the right path, He pretends to be angry. If He does not pretend so, there is no chance for the devotees to change their behaviour. His pretending to be angry is just a drama. God has no trace of anger in Him. When we commit mistakes or tread the wrong path, we are afraid that God will be angry with us.
But, God only pretends to be angry on such occasions so that you become aware of your own faults and deficiencies. For example, when Swami keeps Himself away from you, you feel very sad and think that Swami is not talking to you because He is angry with you. In fact, Swami does not know what anger is. He is the embodiment of love. He is full of love. However, on some rare occasions when He speaks harshly, it might be misconstrued that He is angry
- From Bhagawan's 2004 Ganesha Chathurthi Divine Discourse.
God appears to be angry at times. But, that is not real anger. In order to put the devotees on the right path, He pretends to be angry. If He does not pretend so, there is no chance for the devotees to change their behaviour. His pretending to be angry is just a drama. God has no trace of anger in Him. When we commit mistakes or tread the wrong path, we are afraid that God will be angry with us.
But, God only pretends to be angry on such occasions so that you become aware of your own faults and deficiencies. For example, when Swami keeps Himself away from you, you feel very sad and think that Swami is not talking to you because He is angry with you. In fact, Swami does not know what anger is. He is the embodiment of love. He is full of love. However, on some rare occasions when He speaks harshly, it might be misconstrued that He is angry
- From Bhagawan's 2004 Ganesha Chathurthi Divine Discourse.
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