No se apeguen a este cuerpo efímero, sino que utilícenlo como un implemento. Considérense separados del cuerpo perecedero que fuera creado sobre la conjunción de los cinco elementos. Conózcanse como el Atma indestructible. Del mismo modo en que la casa que habitan es separada de ustedes, también el cuerpo en el que residen por un corto tiempo es separado de ustedes. El cuerpo es la causa fundamental de todo sufrimiento. Hagan que acate su voluntad, nunca se inclinen ante él ni sigan sus caprichos. Manténganlo bajo estricto control. Debiera ser utilizado como una barca para cruzar la corriente de la vida. En otras palabras, hasta que no se logre la Verdad Última, deben cuidar de su cuerpo para evitar que se dañe. Consuman de manera moderada alimento de calidad Sáthwica (pura), a intervalos correctos, y continúen con disciplinadas actividades físicas para el cuerpo.
Sathya Sai Baba
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Friday, August 12, 2011
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Friday, August 12, 2011
Do not get attached to this evanescent body; instead, utilise it as an implement. Consider yourself as separate from the perishable body that was created out of the conjunction of the five elements. Know yourself as the indestructible Atma. Just as the house in which you dwell is separate from you, so too, the body in which you dwell for a little while is separate from you. The body is the root cause of all grief. Make it obey your will; never bow down to it and follow its whims. Keep it under strict control. It should be used as a boat to cross the stream of life. In other words, until the Ultimate Truth is attained, you must take care of your body to see that it does not get damaged. Take moderate food of Sathwic (pure) quality at the correct time, and continue with the disciplined physical activities for the body.
PERLITA SAI_12-08-2011
The body should be properly cared until you have made to the Atma.
PERLITA SAI_12-08-2011
El cuerpo debiera ser cuidado adecuadamente hasta haber realizado al Atma.
PEARL SAI_12-08-2011
The body should be properly cared until you have made to the Atma.
Bhagavan dice:
Sacrificarse por los demás es lo más grande que uno puede hacer. El servicio desinteresado es como un gran árbol , el agua ayuda a crecer, cuando el árbol crece, todo el mundo podrá disfrutar, porque todo el mundo lo ve crecer desde el principio, lo atiende, y cuando florece se sienten felices.
Bhagavan dice:
Sacrificarse por los demás es lo más grande que uno puede hacer. El servicio desinteresado es como un gran árbol , el agua ayuda a crecer, cuando el árbol crece, todo el mundo podrá disfrutar, porque todo el mundo lo ve crecer desde el principio, lo atiende, y cuando florece se sienten felices.
Que es el Dharma. La base del dharma es el Yajna (sacrificio). Uno da lo poco que tienen a otros con necesidad, todos comprenden el aspecto maravilloso y el significado de regalar, sólo cuando lo hace, hablar es muy fácil para todos, hacer es difícil, si ponen todo lo bueno que escuchan en práctica, sólo entonces se harán felices a los demás y serán felices siempre.
Bhagawan says :
To sacrifice for others is the greatest thing that one can do. Selfless service is like a Big tree — help it grow and water it, when the tree grows everyone will enjoy it because everyone has seen the tree from the beginning, they have cared for it, and when it blossoms they feel happy. That is real Dharma. The basis of dharma is Yajna — to sacrifice. Always Give what Little you have to others In Need, Everyone will understand the Wonderful Aspect and meaning of Giving away only when you Do it, Talking is very easy for everyone, Doing it is difficult, If you Put everything Good you hear in Practise and only then will you make others happy and you will be happy always.
To sacrifice for others is the greatest thing that one can do. Selfless service is like a Big tree — help it grow and water it, when the tree grows everyone will enjoy it because everyone has seen the tree from the beginning, they have cared for it, and when it blossoms they feel happy. That is real Dharma. The basis of dharma is Yajna — to sacrifice. Always Give what Little you have to others In Need, Everyone will understand the Wonderful Aspect and meaning of Giving away only when you Do it, Talking is very easy for everyone, Doing it is difficult, If you Put everything Good you hear in Practise and only then will you make others happy and you will be happy always.
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