"Consideren el lugar y las circunstancias en que fuera entregado el Geetha ; en ello radica la importancia de este discurso. Por un lado estaban las fuerzas del bien (Dharma) y por el otro, las del mal (adharma); cogido entre ambas e incapaz de decidir que rumbo tomar, Arjuna llora desesperado. Este no era únicamente su dilema; es un problema humano universal. Arjuna no buscaba obtener de Krishna la grata y mundana gloria del poder, el status y la riqueza (Preyas) – aspiraba a la permanente gloria de la alegría plena (Sreyas). Arjuna le dijo a Krishna, "Preyas se puede lograr a través de la actividad humana o Karma. ¿Por qué habría de ansiar de Ti lo que puedo ganar por mi propio quehacer? Otórgame Sreyas, porque no es el fruto de la acción (Karma), sino el fruto de la gracia!" Fue así que el Señor entregó el Geetha para todos aquellos quienes, al igual que Arjuna, se elevan a la altura de la absoluta auto-entrega (Prapaththi o Saranagathi)."
Sathya Sai Baba
Centro Sai Hispano
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_ Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Consider the place and situation in which the Geetha was delivered; therein lies the significance of this discourse. On one side were the forces of good (Dharma) and on the other, that of evil (adharma); caught between these two, and unable to decide which course to adopt, Arjuna weeps in despair. This was not just his dilemma; it is a universal human problem. Arjuna did not seek from Krishna the pleasing, worldly glory of power, status and wealth (Preyas) – he sought the lasting glory of full joy (Sreyas). Arjuna said to Krishna, "Preyas can be won by human activity or Karma. Why should I crave from You what I can win by my own endeavour? Grant me Sreyas, for it is not the fruit of action (Karma), but the fruit of grace!" Thus the lord gave the Geetha for all those who like Arjuna rise to the height of absolute self-surrender (Prapaththi or Saranagathi).
Sathya Sai Baba
Centro Sai Hispano
PERLITA SAI_16-11-2011
PEARL SAI_16-11-2011
Reciting the Gayatry Mantra is in this time, one of the best things you can do for your country...SAI BABA
Sai Ram - Amor Divino de Bhagavan y la Compasión
Una vez en el Kulwant Hall, Bhagavan estaba sentado en el viejo pórtico del Prasanthi Mandir, dando Darshan a los devotos. Después de un rato Swami dio órdenes para iniciara la distribución de prasadam en el Mandir.
"Consideren el lugar y las circunstancias en que fuera entregado el Geetha ; en ello radica la importancia de este discurso. Por un lado estaban las fuerzas del bien (Dharma) y por el otro, las del mal (adharma); cogido entre ambas e incapaz de decidir que rumbo tomar, Arjuna llora desesperado. Este no era únicamente su dilema; es un problema humano universal. Arjuna no buscaba obtener de Krishna la grata y mundana gloria del poder, el status y la riqueza (Preyas) – aspiraba a la permanente gloria de la alegría plena (Sreyas). Arjuna le dijo a Krishna, "Preyas se puede lograr a través de la actividad humana o Karma. ¿Por qué habría de ansiar de Ti lo que puedo ganar por mi propio quehacer? Otórgame Sreyas, porque no es el fruto de la acción (Karma), sino el fruto de la gracia!" Fue así que el Señor entregó el Geetha para todos aquellos quienes, al igual que Arjuna, se elevan a la altura de la absoluta auto-entrega (Prapaththi o Saranagathi)."
Sathya Sai Baba
Centro Sai Hispano
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_ Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Consider the place and situation in which the Geetha was delivered; therein lies the significance of this discourse. On one side were the forces of good (Dharma) and on the other, that of evil (adharma); caught between these two, and unable to decide which course to adopt, Arjuna weeps in despair. This was not just his dilemma; it is a universal human problem. Arjuna did not seek from Krishna the pleasing, worldly glory of power, status and wealth (Preyas) – he sought the lasting glory of full joy (Sreyas). Arjuna said to Krishna, "Preyas can be won by human activity or Karma. Why should I crave from You what I can win by my own endeavour? Grant me Sreyas, for it is not the fruit of action (Karma), but the fruit of grace!" Thus the lord gave the Geetha for all those who like Arjuna rise to the height of absolute self-surrender (Prapaththi or Saranagathi).
Sathya Sai Baba
Centro Sai Hispano
PERLITA SAI_16-11-2011
PEARL SAI_16-11-2011
Reciting the Gayatry Mantra is in this time, one of the best things you can do for your country...SAI BABA
Sai Ram - Amor Divino de Bhagavan y la Compasión
Una vez en el Kulwant Hall, Bhagavan estaba sentado en el viejo pórtico del Prasanthi Mandir, dando Darshan a los devotos. Después de un rato Swami dio órdenes para iniciara la distribución de prasadam en el Mandir.
De acuerdo con las órdenes divinas, los estudiantes comenzaron con la distribución. Swami llamo cariñosamente a un niño y le preguntó si había recibido el prasadam. El muchacho respondió que no lo había recibido. Entonces Swami llamó a uno de los estudiantes que estaba distribuyendo prasadam. Swami tomó un paquete de prasadam del estudiante y se lo dio al niño, y dijo: "Hijo, tus hermanos pueden olvidate, pero tu madre no te olvido".
Amor Divino de Bhagavan y la Compasión
Maravilloso Bhajan Sai - Rama Rahim Ko Bhajanevale Therey Padre Pujari ...
Rama Rahim Ko Bhajanevale Therey Pujari Baba
Tera Naam Ek Sahara
Sai Naam Ek Sahara
Tera Naam Ek Sahara
Hi Ho Thum Thum Gita Hola Thum Ramaayan Hi Ho Veda Puraan
Tera Naam Ek Sahara
Sai Naam Ek Sahara
Tera Naam Ek Sahara
Sus adoradores son los que cantan la gloria y la compasión de Ram y Rahim.
Su nombre es el soporte único para todos.
Tu eres el Gita, Ramaayana, los Vedas y los Puranas. Que residen en Parthi.
Tu has venido a encender la llama de Sathya y Dharma.
Wonderful Sai Bhajan - Rama Rahim Ko Bhajanevale Therey Pujari Baba...
Rama Rahim Ko Bhajanevale Therey Pujari Baba
Thera Naam Ek Sahara
Sai Naam Ek Sahara
Thera Naam Ek Sahara
Thum Hi Ho Geetha Thum Hi Ramaayan Thum Hi Ho Veda Puraan
Thera Naam Ek Sahara
Sai Naam Ek Sahara
Thera Naam Ek Sahara
Your worshippers are those who sing the glory and compassion of Ram and Rahim.
Your name is the one and only support for all.
You are the Geetha, Ramaayana, Vedas and the Puranas. Residing in Parthi.
You have come to light the flame of Sathya and Dharma.
Amor Divino de Bhagavan y la Compasión
Sai Ram - Bhagawan's Divine Love and Compassion
Once in Kulwant hall, Bhagawan was sitting in the Old Prasanthi Mandir portico and giving Darshan to the devotees. After a while Swami gave orders for the distribution of Prasadam in the Mandir. As per the Divine orders the students began distribution. Swami lovingly called one boy and enquired if he had received the Prasadam. The boy replied that he hadn’t received one. Then Swami called one of the students who was distributing Prasadam. Swami took a Prasadam packet from the student and giving it to the boy said, “Child, your brothers may forget you, but your mother will never forget you.”
Bhagawan's Divine Love and Compassion
7 días para el Cumpleaños 86 de Bhagavan .
Mensaje Divino de Bhagavan para hoy:
Tomen todo lo que les suceda como un don de la gracia. Por supuesto, en el camino ustedes deben actuar con toda la habilidad y dedicación de que son capaces. Hagan esto con sinceridad como adoración a Dios.
Sai Ram - Bhagawan's Divine Love and Compassion
Once in Kulwant hall, Bhagawan was sitting in the Old Prasanthi Mandir portico and giving Darshan to the devotees. After a while Swami gave orders for the distribution of Prasadam in the Mandir. As per the Divine orders the students began distribution. Swami lovingly called one boy and enquired if he had received the Prasadam. The boy replied that he hadn’t received one. Then Swami called one of the students who was distributing Prasadam. Swami took a Prasadam packet from the student and giving it to the boy said, “Child, your brothers may forget you, but your mother will never forget you.”
Bhagawan's Divine Love and Compassion
7 días para el Cumpleaños 86 de Bhagavan .
Mensaje Divino de Bhagavan para hoy:
Tomen todo lo que les suceda como un don de la gracia. Por supuesto, en el camino ustedes deben actuar con toda la habilidad y dedicación de que son capaces. Hagan esto con sinceridad como adoración a Dios.
A continuación, dejen el resultado al todopoderoso, omnisciente, todo misericordioso de Dios.
Bhagawan's 86th Birthday - 7 days to go.
Bhagawan's 86th Birthday - 7 days to go.
Bhagawan's Divine Message for Today :
Take everything that happens to you as the gift of grace. Of course, on your path, you must act with all the skill and devotion you are capable of. Do this with as much sincerity as you worship God. Then, leave the result to the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-merciful God. Let whatever ensues ensue!
Take everything that happens to you as the gift of grace. Of course, on your path, you must act with all the skill and devotion you are capable of. Do this with as much sincerity as you worship God. Then, leave the result to the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-merciful God. Let whatever ensues ensue!
Maravilloso Bhajan Sai - Rama Rahim Ko Bhajanevale Therey Padre Pujari ...
Rama Rahim Ko Bhajanevale Therey Pujari Baba
Tera Naam Ek Sahara
Sai Naam Ek Sahara
Tera Naam Ek Sahara
Hi Ho Thum Thum Gita Hola Thum Ramaayan Hi Ho Veda Puraan
Tera Naam Ek Sahara
Sai Naam Ek Sahara
Tera Naam Ek Sahara
Sus adoradores son los que cantan la gloria y la compasión de Ram y Rahim.
Su nombre es el soporte único para todos.
Tu eres el Gita, Ramaayana, los Vedas y los Puranas. Que residen en Parthi.
Tu has venido a encender la llama de Sathya y Dharma.
Wonderful Sai Bhajan - Rama Rahim Ko Bhajanevale Therey Pujari Baba...
Rama Rahim Ko Bhajanevale Therey Pujari Baba
Thera Naam Ek Sahara
Sai Naam Ek Sahara
Thera Naam Ek Sahara
Thum Hi Ho Geetha Thum Hi Ramaayan Thum Hi Ho Veda Puraan
Thera Naam Ek Sahara
Sai Naam Ek Sahara
Thera Naam Ek Sahara
Your worshippers are those who sing the glory and compassion of Ram and Rahim.
Your name is the one and only support for all.
You are the Geetha, Ramaayana, Vedas and the Puranas. Residing in Parthi.
You have come to light the flame of Sathya and Dharma.
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