Junto a las puertas hacia la Liberación (Moksha) y la Autorrealización (Sakshathkara) hay tres guardias que les pedirán sus credenciales. Ellos son : la Paz o el equilibro mental, la Alegría o contento y la Indagación o discernimiento (Santhi, Santhosha y Vichara). Aun trabando amistad con sólo uno de ellos, los otros dos les franquearán la entrada. El primero de ellos es la Paz. Si se hacen de la paz, ¡el contento (Thrupthi) pasará automáticamente a ser suyo! El contento es la fuente de la alegría y la más valiosa de todas las posesiones. En ausencia del contento, cobran proporciones peligrosas el deseo y la codicia, arrollando al poder del discernimiento mismo. El deseo se convierte fácilmente en codicia, la cual degenera luego en avaricia y lujuria. Ellas les harán revolotear de objeto en objeto en una loca persecusión de la efímera alegría sensorial. Por lo tanto aconséjenle a su mente fluir en dirección al Señor en lugar de arrastrarles por las riadas de objetos y deseos sensoriales. Desechando todos los demás deseos y estando siempre contentos, refúgiense únicamente en Su nombre y forma.
Sathya Sai Baba
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Saturday, November 05, 2011
At the gates of liberation (Moksha) and Self-realisation (Sakshathkara), three guards are posted to ask you for your credentials. They are: Peace or mental equilibrium, Joy or contentment, and enquiry or discrimination (Santhi, Santhosha, and Vichara). Even if one of the guards is made friends with, the others too will facilitate your entry. First in the series is peace. If you make peace yours, contentment (Thrupthi) will automatically become yours! Contentment is the true source of joy and the most valuable of all possessions. In the absence of contentment, desire and greed attain dangerous proportions overwhelming the power of discrimination itself. Desire easily becomes greed which then degenerates into miserliness and lust. These will makes you flit from object to object in mad pursuit of the evanescent sensual joy. Hence advise your mind to flow in the direction of the Lord, instead of dragging you along the floods of objects and sensual desires. Giving up all other desires and being ever content, dwell on His name and form alone.
PERLITA SAI_05-11-2011
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Saturday, November 05, 2011
At the gates of liberation (Moksha) and Self-realisation (Sakshathkara), three guards are posted to ask you for your credentials. They are: Peace or mental equilibrium, Joy or contentment, and enquiry or discrimination (Santhi, Santhosha, and Vichara). Even if one of the guards is made friends with, the others too will facilitate your entry. First in the series is peace. If you make peace yours, contentment (Thrupthi) will automatically become yours! Contentment is the true source of joy and the most valuable of all possessions. In the absence of contentment, desire and greed attain dangerous proportions overwhelming the power of discrimination itself. Desire easily becomes greed which then degenerates into miserliness and lust. These will makes you flit from object to object in mad pursuit of the evanescent sensual joy. Hence advise your mind to flow in the direction of the Lord, instead of dragging you along the floods of objects and sensual desires. Giving up all other desires and being ever content, dwell on His name and form alone.
PERLITA SAI_05-11-2011
PEARL SAI_05-11-2011
In fact , the best teacher is the own heart, time is the best alarm, the world is the best sacred text...SAI BABA
El nombre de Dios es «yo» - Bhagavan
"Nos llamamos" yo ", pero ¿qué es este" yo "? Este" yo "es el título de Dios. Por derecho todo el mundo al nacimiento está diciendo" yo ", así que cada uno tiene dentro de sí este título de Dios.
"Nos llamamos" yo ", pero ¿qué es este" yo "? Este" yo "es el título de Dios. Por derecho todo el mundo al nacimiento está diciendo" yo ", así que cada uno tiene dentro de sí este título de Dios.
El Mahavakya (una de los cuatro grandes declaraciones que resume los Vedas) "Aham Brahmasmi", afirma - ". Yo soy Dios" en sánscrito "YO" es Aham.
Dios no sólo significa el nombre de Rama, Krishna y Hari. Él es la Verdad, si uno es un médico o un abogado o un empresario, todos ellos están diciendo "yo". Si le preguntas a un mendigo, "¿Quién eres tú?" y le pregunta a un rey, "¿Quién eres tú?" Dirán: "Yo soy un mendigo", y "yo soy rey."
Dios no sólo significa el nombre de Rama, Krishna y Hari. Él es la Verdad, si uno es un médico o un abogado o un empresario, todos ellos están diciendo "yo". Si le preguntas a un mendigo, "¿Quién eres tú?" y le pregunta a un rey, "¿Quién eres tú?" Dirán: "Yo soy un mendigo", y "yo soy rey."
En el mundo actual, siempre se asocia con una forma, pero "YO" no se refiere al cuerpo, "YO" es Dios.
Hoy la humanidad está viviendo una vida totalmente basada en el ego a pesar de que es incorrecto suponer "YO" como el ego. El hombre está lleno de divisiones y perversiones tales como el nacimiento, crecimiento y muerte, pero el verdadero "YO" nunca cambia ".
Discurso Divino de Bhagavan en Kodaikanal, 14 de abril de 1996.
Mensaje Divino de Bhagavan para hoy:
Dios es inescrutable. No se puede realizar en el mundo objetivo exterior, está en el corazón de cada ser. Las piedras preciosas se tienen que buscar bajo tierra, no flotan en el aire.
Discurso Divino de Bhagavan en Kodaikanal, 14 de abril de 1996.
The name of God is "I " - Bhagawan
" We call ourselves "I" but what is this "I"? This "I" is the title of God. Right from birth everyone is saying "I," so everyone has within himself this title of God. The Mahavakya (one of four great statements epitomizing the Vedas) "Aham Brahmasmi" states - "I am God." In Sanskrit "I" is Aham.
God does not only mean the names Rama, Krishna and Hari. He is the Truth whether one is a doctor or a lawyer or a businessman; all of these are saying "I". If you ask a beggar, "Who are you?" and you ask a king, "Who are you?" they will reply, "I am a beggar," and "I am a king." So know the Self. In today's world, "I" is always associated with a form, but "I " does not refer to the body; "I" is God. Mankind today is living a totally ego-based life though it is incorrect to assume "I" as the ego. Man is full of divisions and perversions such as birth, growth and death but the true "I" never changes ".
From Bhagawan's Divine Discourse in Kodaikanal, April 14, 1996.
The name of God is "I " - Bhagawan
" We call ourselves "I" but what is this "I"? This "I" is the title of God. Right from birth everyone is saying "I," so everyone has within himself this title of God. The Mahavakya (one of four great statements epitomizing the Vedas) "Aham Brahmasmi" states - "I am God." In Sanskrit "I" is Aham.
God does not only mean the names Rama, Krishna and Hari. He is the Truth whether one is a doctor or a lawyer or a businessman; all of these are saying "I". If you ask a beggar, "Who are you?" and you ask a king, "Who are you?" they will reply, "I am a beggar," and "I am a king." So know the Self. In today's world, "I" is always associated with a form, but "I " does not refer to the body; "I" is God. Mankind today is living a totally ego-based life though it is incorrect to assume "I" as the ego. Man is full of divisions and perversions such as birth, growth and death but the true "I" never changes ".
From Bhagawan's Divine Discourse in Kodaikanal, April 14, 1996.
18 días para el Cumpleaños 86a de Bhagavan-
Mensaje Divino de Bhagavan para hoy:
Dios es inescrutable. No se puede realizar en el mundo objetivo exterior, está en el corazón de cada ser. Las piedras preciosas se tienen que buscar bajo tierra, no flotan en el aire.
Busquen a Dios en lo más profundo de su ser.
Bhagawan's Divine Message for Today :
God is inscrutable. He cannot be realized in the outer objective world; He is in the very heart of every being. Gemstones have to be sought deep underground; they do not float in mid air. Seek God in the depths of your self.
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