Cuando las nubes que ocultan la cara de la luna son arrastradas por el viento, la luna brilla clara y fresca; así también, cuando las nubes del egoísmo son disipadas, la mente del hombre brillará pura y plena, con su fulgor natural. Este es el nivel de la bienaventuranza en donde el pesar deja de existir. En donde haya una lámpara no podrá existir la oscuridad. La lámpara de la sabiduría (jnaana) una vez encendida, nunca se apaga, mengua ni vacila. El ananda (felicidad) y el shanthi (paz) que los hombres, impulsados por sus sentidos, buscan en los objetos del mundo, vacilan y pronto se disipan y mueren. No satisfacen sino momentáneamente nuestras tontas ansias. Se logran mediante la lujuria, la ira, el odio y la envidia, de modo que son falsos e inestables. Controlen y conquístenlos; sólo entonces pueden lograr verdadero Ananda y Shanthi. Estos no se disipan ni oscilan. Y no solamente pueden adquirirlos, sino que de hecho pueden llegar a convertirse en ellos.
Sathya Sai Baba
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Monday, November 21, 2011
When the clouds that hide the face of the moon are wafted by the winds, the moon shines clear and cool; so too, when the clouds of egoism are wafted away, the mind of man will shine pure and full, with its native effulgence. This is the stage of bliss where grief ceases to exist. Where there is a lamp, darkness cannot exist. The lamp of wisdom (jnaana) once lit never dies, fades or flickers. The ananda (happiness) and the shanthi (peace) that men seek from the objects of the world, prompted by their senses flicker and soon, fade and die. They only momentarily satisfy one’s foolish cravings. They are attained through lust, anger, hatred and envy, and so they are false and fickle. Control and conquer these; only then can you acquire real Ananda and Shanthi. These neither fade nor flicker. You can not only acquire these, you can in fact become these.
PERLITA SAI_21-11-2011
PEARL SAI_21-11-2011
Sai Ram - 2 días para el Cumpleaños 86 de Bhagavan.
No saque la foto de Sai Baba de la pared y cuelgue alguna otra foto ante la primera decepción. Deja todo a él; que su voluntad se lleve a cabo, esa debe ser su actitud. A menos que pasar por la dualidad, ¿cómo podria ser endurecido?
Sai Ram - Bhagawan's 86th Birthday - 3 days to go.
Bhagawan's 86th Birthday - 3 days to go.
Bhagawan's Divine Message for Today :
Do not pull down Sai Baba's picture from the wall and hang some other picture there at the first disappointment. Leave all to Him; let His will be carried out - that should be your attitude. Unless you go through the rough and the smooth, how can you be hardened?
Sai Ram - La fe en uno mismo y la fe en Dios
El clip de audio adjunto de Bhagavan se ha tomado de Divino Discurso de Bhagavan en el Sai Kulwanth ayuntamiento, el 7 de julio de 1996.
La fe en uno mismo y la fe en Dios.
Si usted no tiene fe en Dios, ¿cómo puede tener fe en si mismo ?. El que no puede creer en sí mismo, ¿cómo puede creer en Dios?
Sai Ram - Bhagawan's 86th Birthday - 3 days to go.
Bhagawan's 86th Birthday - 3 days to go.
Bhagawan's Divine Message for Today :
Do not pull down Sai Baba's picture from the wall and hang some other picture there at the first disappointment. Leave all to Him; let His will be carried out - that should be your attitude. Unless you go through the rough and the smooth, how can you be hardened?
Sai Ram - La fe en uno mismo y la fe en Dios
El clip de audio adjunto de Bhagavan se ha tomado de Divino Discurso de Bhagavan en el Sai Kulwanth ayuntamiento, el 7 de julio de 1996.
La fe en uno mismo y la fe en Dios.
Si usted no tiene fe en Dios, ¿cómo puede tener fe en si mismo ?. El que no puede creer en sí mismo, ¿cómo puede creer en Dios?
En primer lugar es necesario tener fe en si mismo, es decir, confianza en sí mismo. El que no tiene confianza en sí mismo, no puede tener confianza en Dios. Para el hombre, la fe es su aliento! Sin aliento, el hombre es sólo un cuerpo muerto.
Adjunto (s) de Kadapa Mannar
1 de 1 archivo (s)
4-la fe en ti la fe en Dios, .42-1996 julio 07.wav
Sai Ram - Faith in yourself and Faith in God
The Attached Audio Clip of Bhagawan is taken from Bhagawan's Divine Discourse in Sai Kulwanth Hall on the 7th of July 1996.
Faith in yourself and Faith in God.
If you no faith in God, how can you have faith in yourself. One who cannot believe in himself, how can he believe in God? First you need to have faith in yourself i.e. Self-confidence. The one without Self-confidence cannot have God-confidence. For man, faith is his very breath! Without breath, man is just a dead body.
Adjunto (s) de Kadapa Mannar
1 de 1 archivo (s)
4-la fe en ti la fe en Dios, .42-1996 julio 07.wav
Sai Ram - Faith in yourself and Faith in God
The Attached Audio Clip of Bhagawan is taken from Bhagawan's Divine Discourse in Sai Kulwanth Hall on the 7th of July 1996.
Faith in yourself and Faith in God.
If you no faith in God, how can you have faith in yourself. One who cannot believe in himself, how can he believe in God? First you need to have faith in yourself i.e. Self-confidence. The one without Self-confidence cannot have God-confidence. For man, faith is his very breath! Without breath, man is just a dead body.
Attachment(s) from Kadapa Mannar
1 of 1 File(s)
4-Faith in You Faith in God-0.42-1996 July 07.wav
Maravilloso Bhajan Sai - Eshwaramba Thanaya Priya Sai Narayana ...
Eshwaramba Priya Thanaya Sai Narayana
Sai Narayana Sathya Narayana
Kaliyuga Mey Avathaar Liye
Kan Kan Mey Tera Naam
Coreaban el nombre del hijo predilecto de la Madre Eshwaramma,
Señor Sathya Sai Narayana,
Que ha encarnado en la presente era de Kali, y que todo lo penetra.
Sai Ram
Adjunto (s) de Kadapa Mannar
1 de 1 archivo (s)
Iswaramba Priya Tanaya Sai Narayana.wma
Wonderful Sai Bhajan - Eshwaramba Priya Thanaya Sai Narayana...
Eshwaramba Priya Thanaya Sai Narayana
Sai Narayana Sathya Narayana
Kaliyuga Mey Avathaar Liye
Kan Kan Mey Thera Naam
Chant the name of beloved son of Mother Eshwaramma,
Lord Sathya Sai Narayana,
Who has incarnated in the present Kali age and Who is all-pervading.
Sai Ram
Attachment(s) from Kadapa Mannar
1 of 1 File(s)
Iswaramba Priya Tanaya Sai Narayana.wma
Sai Ram - el esfuerzo propio y la gracia divina
¿No es un ejercicio inútil sembrar las semillas cuando no hay lluvias?. Incluso cuando hay lluvias, no puede recoger una cosecha a menos que tenga
Attachment(s) from Kadapa Mannar
1 of 1 File(s)
4-Faith in You Faith in God-0.42-1996 July 07.wav
Maravilloso Bhajan Sai - Eshwaramba Thanaya Priya Sai Narayana ...
Eshwaramba Priya Thanaya Sai Narayana
Sai Narayana Sathya Narayana
Kaliyuga Mey Avathaar Liye
Kan Kan Mey Tera Naam
Coreaban el nombre del hijo predilecto de la Madre Eshwaramma,
Señor Sathya Sai Narayana,
Que ha encarnado en la presente era de Kali, y que todo lo penetra.
Sai Ram
Adjunto (s) de Kadapa Mannar
1 de 1 archivo (s)
Iswaramba Priya Tanaya Sai Narayana.wma
Wonderful Sai Bhajan - Eshwaramba Priya Thanaya Sai Narayana...
Eshwaramba Priya Thanaya Sai Narayana
Sai Narayana Sathya Narayana
Kaliyuga Mey Avathaar Liye
Kan Kan Mey Thera Naam
Chant the name of beloved son of Mother Eshwaramma,
Lord Sathya Sai Narayana,
Who has incarnated in the present Kali age and Who is all-pervading.
Sai Ram
Attachment(s) from Kadapa Mannar
1 of 1 File(s)
Iswaramba Priya Tanaya Sai Narayana.wma
Sai Ram - el esfuerzo propio y la gracia divina
¿No es un ejercicio inútil sembrar las semillas cuando no hay lluvias?. Incluso cuando hay lluvias, no puede recoger una cosecha a menos que tenga
Tanto el positivo y el negativo se requieren para que la corriente eléctrica fluya.
De la misma manera, tanto el esfuerzo propio y como La gracia divina, son esenciales para lograr el éxito en sus esfuerzos.
- Del discurso de Bhagavan Cumpleaños 2005 Divino.
Sai Ram - Self effort and Divine Grace
Is it not a futile exercise to sow seeds when there are no rains? Even when there are rains, can you reap a harvest unless you have
sown seeds? Both the positive and the negative are required for the electric current to flow. In the same manner, both self effort and
Divine grace are essential to achieve success in your endeavours.
- From Bhagawan's 2005 Birthday Divine Discourse.
- Del discurso de Bhagavan Cumpleaños 2005 Divino.
Sai Ram - Self effort and Divine Grace
Is it not a futile exercise to sow seeds when there are no rains? Even when there are rains, can you reap a harvest unless you have
sown seeds? Both the positive and the negative are required for the electric current to flow. In the same manner, both self effort and
Divine grace are essential to achieve success in your endeavours.
- From Bhagawan's 2005 Birthday Divine Discourse.
Sai Ram - Señor Omnipresente
Una vez en el albergue de niños en Prashanti Nilayam, un estudiante de posgrado estaba teniendo una conversación con su compañero Prem.
Ellos estaban discutiendo acerca las vacaciones de Swami en Kodaikanal . Prem dijo: "Tu nombre Wil seguramente estará allí." El niño se rió y dijo, "Swami ni siquiera sabe mi nombre. Siempre me llama chico Hyderabad."
Al día siguiente, durante el Darshan, Swami les indico a todos los del Postgrado para se acercaran delante del Pórtico del Mandir.
Al día siguiente, durante el Darshan, Swami les indico a todos los del Postgrado para se acercaran delante del Pórtico del Mandir.
El estudiante y su amigo también avanzaron. Swami lo vio y dijo en telugu, "¿No es su nombre Venugopal ?" Él dijo: "Sí, Swami". Swami dijo inmediatamente, "Naaku telusu (lo sé). Buen chico. Koorcho (Siéntate)."
Los estudiantes decidieron no hacer declaraciones generales como, "Swami no sabe" de nuevo. Él lo sabe todo.
Los estudiantes decidieron no hacer declaraciones generales como, "Swami no sabe" de nuevo. Él lo sabe todo.
Sai Ram - our Omnipresent Lord
Once in the Boy's Hostel in Prasanthi Nilayam , A Post Graduate Student was having a conversation with his classmate Prem. They were discussing as to who Swami would be taking to Kodaikanal with Him that year. Prem said, "Your name wil surely be there." The Boy laughed and said, "Swami doesnt even know my name. He always calls me Hyderabad boy."
The next day, during Darshan Swami asked for all the Post Graduate to come front of the Mandir Portico. The Student and his friend also moved ahead. Swami saw him and said in Telugu, "Isnt your name Venugopal?" He said, "Yes Swami". Swami immediately said, "Naaku telusu( I know). good boy. koorcho(sit)."
The Student decided never to make sweeping statements like, "Swami doesn't know" again. He know everything.
Sai Ram - our Omnipresent Lord
Once in the Boy's Hostel in Prasanthi Nilayam , A Post Graduate Student was having a conversation with his classmate Prem. They were discussing as to who Swami would be taking to Kodaikanal with Him that year. Prem said, "Your name wil surely be there." The Boy laughed and said, "Swami doesnt even know my name. He always calls me Hyderabad boy."
The next day, during Darshan Swami asked for all the Post Graduate to come front of the Mandir Portico. The Student and his friend also moved ahead. Swami saw him and said in Telugu, "Isnt your name Venugopal?" He said, "Yes Swami". Swami immediately said, "Naaku telusu( I know). good boy. koorcho(sit)."
The Student decided never to make sweeping statements like, "Swami doesn't know" again. He know everything.
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