Si tuvieran la mirada fija en los frutos de sus acciones, es probable que sean afectados por preocupaciones, ansiedad e inquietud. Puede que pregunten : "Si han de desecharse los frutos, ¿cómo puede uno vivir?" Dejen que les pregunte, ¿Por qué esta debilidad de corazón, este nerviosismo? Aquel que ha asegurado, 'Yogakshemam vahamyaham' (Yo me haré cargo de todas tus necesidades – terrenales y espirituales) ciertamente que se preocupará de eso. Él dará lo necesario y los medios. El buscador (Karmayogi) que ha aprendido el secreto de la ación (Karma) combinada con el sacrificio (Phalathyaga), debiera tener Samabuddhi (ecuanimidad) más que Sangabuddhi (mente apegada al mundo). El Sangabuddhi le lleva a uno a pensar : "Esta acción es mía; sus resultados se deben a mis empeños. Yo soy la persona que tiene derecho a ellos." Tales pensamientos atan al hacedor. Krishna declara en el Geetha, "Samathwam yogamuchyathe" (El resultado de todas las prácticas espirituales es el logro de la ecuanimidad). Uno habría de elevarse por encima de este Sangabuddhi y tratar de alcanzar Samathwam.
Sathya Sai Baba
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Thursday, December 15, 2011
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Thursday, December 15, 2011
If you have an eye on the fruits of your actions, you are liable to be affected by worry, anxiety and restlessness. You may ask: “If the fruits have to be given up, how can one manage to live?” Let Me ask you - Why this weakness of heart, this nervousness? He who has assured, 'Yogakshemam vahamyaham' (I will take care of all your needs - worldly and spiritual) will certainly look after that. He will give the wherewithal and the means. The seeker (Karmayogi) who has learnt the secret of action (Karma) combined with sacrifice (Phala thyaga) should have Sama buddhi (equanimity), more than Sanga buddhi (mind attached to the world). Sanga buddhi leads one to think: “This action is mine; its results are due to my endeavours. I am the person entitled to it". Such thoughts bind the doer. Krishna in the Geeta declares, “Samathwam yogamuchyathe” (The end result of all spiritual practices is the attainment of equanimity). One should rise above this Sanga buddhi and try to attain Samathwam.
PERLITA SAI_15-12-2011
PERLITA SAI_15-12-2011
PEARL SAI_15-12-2011
Dominate the mind and aware of the thoughts that come from the atmosphere that surrounds you. save that you want and reject the rest...SAI BABA
Sai Ram - Él está con nosotros en todo momento - un milagro divino
En los últimos meses, Bhagavan nos ha mostrado en su forma divina, muchos casos de que siempre esta con nosotros.
Sai Ram - Él está con nosotros en todo momento - un milagro divino
En los últimos meses, Bhagavan nos ha mostrado en su forma divina, muchos casos de que siempre esta con nosotros.
Primero Bhagavan dio una larga charla con Shri.BN Narasimha Murthy, luego Su Huella Divina en Sundaram, Chennai, y luego una huella dactilar en la maravillosa ciudad de Nueva York y ahora su Presencia Divina se sintió de nuevo en el albergue del Niño Senior en Prashanti Nilayam .
Un hermano Sai muy querido, de Prashanti Nilayam, me dijo con gran alegría que Bhagavan apareció en la forma de uno de los internos en el albergue con el pretexto de ayudar a otro estudiante cuando él estaba en necesidad.
Un hermano Sai muy querido, de Prashanti Nilayam, me dijo con gran alegría que Bhagavan apareció en la forma de uno de los internos en el albergue con el pretexto de ayudar a otro estudiante cuando él estaba en necesidad.
La Divina Presencia de Bhagavan fue vista como las marcas de pie vibuthi que se encontraron en la habitación de aquel muchacho a quien ayudó Bhagavan. Todos y cada uno se emocionaron al ver las marcas de pie en vibuthi.
Las Huellas de la Divinidad se extendieron de un extremo de la habitación hasta el lugar donde el niño enfermo dormía.
No son necesarios mas detalles de este milagro divino, que es otra señal divina de Bhagavan, que Él está con nosotros y estará con nosotros siempre y para siempre y para todos los tiempos.
Rezando para que Su Divina Gracia llene nuestros hogares, y Su Amor Divino llene nuestros corazones y su forma divina llene nuestros pensamientos en todo momento.
Recordemos todos una y otra vez que Él está siempre con nosotros en todo momento, nunca jamás nos ha dejado y Él está siempre con nosotros y nos guía. Estas son las palabras que todos, nunca deben olvidar en estos tiempos en que Bhagavan no está físicamente con nosotros.
Sai Ram - He Is With Us At All Times - A Divine Miracle
In the past few months, Bhagawan has shown us in His own Divine way, many instances of Him being with us always with us. First it was Bhagawan giving a long talk to Shri.B.N.Narasimha Murthy, then His Divine Footprints in Sundaram, Chennai, then a Wonderful Finger print of Him in New York city and now His Divine Presence is again felt in the Senior Boy's Hostel in Prasanthi Nilayam.
A very Dear Sai Brother from Prasanthi Nilayam told me with great happiness that Bhagawan appeared in the form of one of the hostel inmates in the pretext of helping another Student when he was in need. Bhagawan's Divine Presence was seen as Vibuthi foot marks which were found in the room of that boy whom Bhagawan helped. Each and everyone was thrilled to see the Vibuthi foot marks. The Divine Footprints extended from one end of the room to the place where this sick boy was sleeping.
It is not necessary for any finer details of this Divine Miracle, it is another Divine sign from Bhagawan that He is with us and will be with us Forever and ever and for all times.
Praying that His Divine Grace fill our homes, His Divine Love fill all our Hearts and His Divine Form fill our thoughts at all times.
Let us all remember again and again that He is always with us at all times, He has never ever left us and He is always with us and guiding us. These are the words which we all should never ever forget at these times when Bhagawan is not Physically with us.
Sai Ram - He Is With Us At All Times - A Divine Miracle
In the past few months, Bhagawan has shown us in His own Divine way, many instances of Him being with us always with us. First it was Bhagawan giving a long talk to Shri.B.N.Narasimha Murthy, then His Divine Footprints in Sundaram, Chennai, then a Wonderful Finger print of Him in New York city and now His Divine Presence is again felt in the Senior Boy's Hostel in Prasanthi Nilayam.
A very Dear Sai Brother from Prasanthi Nilayam told me with great happiness that Bhagawan appeared in the form of one of the hostel inmates in the pretext of helping another Student when he was in need. Bhagawan's Divine Presence was seen as Vibuthi foot marks which were found in the room of that boy whom Bhagawan helped. Each and everyone was thrilled to see the Vibuthi foot marks. The Divine Footprints extended from one end of the room to the place where this sick boy was sleeping.
It is not necessary for any finer details of this Divine Miracle, it is another Divine sign from Bhagawan that He is with us and will be with us Forever and ever and for all times.
Praying that His Divine Grace fill our homes, His Divine Love fill all our Hearts and His Divine Form fill our thoughts at all times.
Let us all remember again and again that He is always with us at all times, He has never ever left us and He is always with us and guiding us. These are the words which we all should never ever forget at these times when Bhagawan is not Physically with us.
Maravilloso Bhajan Sai - Anthar Jyothi Jalaavo Sai ....
Anthar Jyothi Jalaavo Sai
Brahma Sanaathani Daya Karo
Daya Karo Hey Poorna Jyothir Mayi
Shiva Shakti Mayi Kripa Karo
Deena Daya Mayi Patheetha Pavani
Sai Jagath Janani Daya Karo
La luz interior, Sai, Eterno Creador,
ser compasivo, omnipresente, resplandeciente;
Divino padre y madre, concédenos tu gracia;
Protector y Salvador de todos los que están con problemas;
Madre de la creación, protegenos.
Maravilloso Bhajan Sai - Anthar Jyothi Jalaavo Sai ....
Anthar Jyothi Jalaavo Sai
Brahma Sanaathani Daya Karo
Daya Karo Hey Poorna Jyothir Mayi
Shiva Shakti Mayi Kripa Karo
Deena Daya Mayi Patheetha Pavani
Sai Jagath Janani Daya Karo
La luz interior, Sai, Eterno Creador,
ser compasivo, omnipresente, resplandeciente;
Divino padre y madre, concédenos tu gracia;
Protector y Salvador de todos los que están con problemas;
Madre de la creación, protegenos.
1 de 1 archivo (s)
Anthara Jyothi.mp3
Wonderful Sai Bhajan - Anthar Jyothi Jalaavo Sai....
Anthar Jyothi Jalaavo Sai
Brahma Sanaathani Daya Karo
Daya Karo Hey Poorna Jyothir Mayi
Shiva Shakthi Mayi Kripa Karo
Deena Daya Mayi Patheetha Pavani
Sai Jagath Janani Daya Karo
Light the light within, Sai; Eternal creator,
be compassionate; Be compassionate, all pervasive, effulgent one;
Divine father and mother, give us your grace;
Uplifter and Savior of all who are troubled;
Mother of creation, protect us.
1 de 1 archivo (s)
Wonderful Sai Bhajan - Anthar Jyothi Jalaavo Sai....
Anthar Jyothi Jalaavo Sai
Brahma Sanaathani Daya Karo
Daya Karo Hey Poorna Jyothir Mayi
Shiva Shakthi Mayi Kripa Karo
Deena Daya Mayi Patheetha Pavani
Sai Jagath Janani Daya Karo
Light the light within, Sai; Eternal creator,
be compassionate; Be compassionate, all pervasive, effulgent one;
Divine father and mother, give us your grace;
Uplifter and Savior of all who are troubled;
Mother of creation, protect us.
1 of 1 File(s)
Anthara Jyothi.mp3
Sai Ram - Vamos a difundir "Sai Inspire"
Sai Inspira es uno de los muchos regalos maravillosos de Radio Sai. Es un maravilloso boletín que incluye, aparte de mensaje de Bhagavan , fotos y videos.
1 of 1 File(s)
Sai Ram - Vamos a difundir "Sai Inspire"
Sai Inspira es uno de los muchos regalos maravillosos de Radio Sai. Es un maravilloso boletín que incluye, aparte de mensaje de Bhagavan , fotos y videos.
Hay un montón de personas, incluyendo muchos en la familia Sai, que no saben acerca de este boletín de Radio Sai. Sería maravilloso si todos podemos correr la voz sobre "Sai inspira".
Por favor, haga clic o sigue este enlace y rellenar el pequeño formulario para recibir los mensajes divinos todos los días de Radio Sai.
Por favor, haga clic o sigue este enlace y rellenar el pequeño formulario para recibir los mensajes divinos todos los días de Radio Sai.
Sai Ram - Let us spread "Sai Inspires"
Sai Inspires is the one of the many Wonderful gifts of Radio Sai. It is a Wonderful Newsletter which includes apart from Bhagawan's Message and Photo. There are a lot of people including many in the Sai Family who do not know about this Newsletter from Radio Sai. Would be Wonderful if all of us can spread the Word about " Sai Inspires ".
Please click or follow the Below Link and fill the small Form to get the Divine Messages everyday from Radio Sai.
Sai Ram - Let us spread "Sai Inspires"
Sai Inspires is the one of the many Wonderful gifts of Radio Sai. It is a Wonderful Newsletter which includes apart from Bhagawan's Message and Photo. There are a lot of people including many in the Sai Family who do not know about this Newsletter from Radio Sai. Would be Wonderful if all of us can spread the Word about " Sai Inspires ".
Please click or follow the Below Link and fill the small Form to get the Divine Messages everyday from Radio Sai.
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