Sepárense de los sentidos, Sólo entonces brillará el Espíritu (Atma). La mente ha de apartarse de sus actuales amigos los sentidos y mostrarle lealtad a su señor, el intelecto. Dicho simplemente, el grano ha de ser separado de la paja, a través del ejercicio de viveka (discernimiento). Si encendieran una lámpara en una habitación con sus cinco ventanas abiertas, el viento apagará la llama. Para mantener la lámpara ardiendo, las ventanas habrán de estar cerradas. Los sentidos son las ventanas; la llama es la mente concentrándose en el propósito único de la realización de Dios. ¿Qué saben los sentidos de esa dulzura, si tienden hacia afuera? Los sapos que saltan alrededor de las flores de loto no tienen idea del néctar que contienen. Únicamente el intelecto puede revelarles esa bienaventuranza. Fijen su deseo en las cosas que duran y nutren, en vez de aquellas que son llamativas y corrosivas.
Sathya Sai Baba
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Monday, December 05, 2011
Sathya Sai Baba
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Monday, December 05, 2011
Detach yourself from the senses. Only then the Spirit (Atma) will shine. The mind must be withdrawn from its present friends, the senses, and made loyal to its master, the intellect. Simply put, the grain must be separated from the chaff, through the exercise of viveka (discrimination). When you light a lamp and keep it in a room with all its five windows open, the wind will blow the flame out. To keep the lamp burning straight the windows must be closed. The senses are the windows; the flame is the mind concentrating on the single purpose of God-realisation. What do the outward-bound senses know of that sweetness? The frogs that hop around the lotus flower are unaware of the nectar contained in the flower. Only the intellect can reveal that bliss to you. Fix your desire on things that last and nourish, rather than on things that are flashy yet corroding.
PERLITA SAI_05-12-2011
PERLITA SAI_05-12-2011
PEARL SAI_05-12-2011
Sai Ram - Cada palabra de Bhagavan está preñada de significado
Narra un maravilloso ejemplo de un drama que fue interpretado el 22 de noviembre de 1980, una de los más antiguos estudiantes de Swami y ahora el director del Albergue Sri Sathya Sai en Brindavan, y profesor en SSSU, el Dr. Ravi Kumar, que dice:
"Tuve la oportunidad de actuar en la obra 'El reino de los cielos." Este es un drama sobre la vida de Jesucristo, escrita e interpretada por ex-alumnos, que oraron a Swami por su permiso, y el Señor acepto.
Swami luego miró toda la lista de los actores, eligió un papel especial, y dijo: «Pregúntale a Ravi para hacer este papel."
"En ese momento, yo había terminado mis estudios en el Colegio de Swami y estaba haciendo mi post-graduación en Anantapur, a unos 80 kilómetros de Puttaparthi.
"En ese momento, yo había terminado mis estudios en el Colegio de Swami y estaba haciendo mi post-graduación en Anantapur, a unos 80 kilómetros de Puttaparthi.
Así que, le dicen :" Swami, Ravi no está aquí, está estudiando en Anantapur. Swami dijo entonces: "No, él viene los fines de semana, y puede practicar en ese momento. Yo, por lo tanto, le doy ese papel", y no fue hasta mucho más tarde que me di cuenta, que Swami también me había indicado a mí, lo que ocurriría más adelante en mi vida.
"El papel era el de un mendigo ciego, que es curado por Jesucristo. Y durante uno de esos días, cuando teníamos las sesiones de práctica, ya que Jesús me estaba curando en el drama, Swami entró por el costado, y dijo: "Mira! Sai Baba vino y este hombre recupero su vista! " Y todos nos reímos. Al día siguiente, sucedió lo mismo, una y otra vez Swami dijo: "Mira, Sai Baba se acercó y volvió su visión de vuelta!"
"La tendencia general tras la sesión de ensayo, era correr hacia Swami, para que Él haga algunos comentarios sobre el drama, nos pida que repitamos ciertos diálogos, nos indica la emoción correcta que debe animar la escena, y así sucesivamente.
"El papel era el de un mendigo ciego, que es curado por Jesucristo. Y durante uno de esos días, cuando teníamos las sesiones de práctica, ya que Jesús me estaba curando en el drama, Swami entró por el costado, y dijo: "Mira! Sai Baba vino y este hombre recupero su vista! " Y todos nos reímos. Al día siguiente, sucedió lo mismo, una y otra vez Swami dijo: "Mira, Sai Baba se acercó y volvió su visión de vuelta!"
"La tendencia general tras la sesión de ensayo, era correr hacia Swami, para que Él haga algunos comentarios sobre el drama, nos pida que repitamos ciertos diálogos, nos indica la emoción correcta que debe animar la escena, y así sucesivamente.
Mientras esta interacción estaba sucediendo, Swami preguntó de repente, '¿Has oído los aplausos durante el Darshan? Habíamos escuchado los aplausos dentro de la sala verde, por lo que, dije, "Sí, Swami, hemos escuchado los aplausos.
Y entonces él me miró y me dijo, 'Sabes, he dado la visión ha una joven de 18 años que ha nacido ciega? "
Y, con los ojos clavados en mí, Él inmediatamente continuó, "Y te la daré también a ti !
Todos nos reímos porque nos pareció que Swami estaba haciendo una broma, ya que era un mendigo ciego en el drama.
Pero nunca nos dimos cuenta de que Swami en realidad indico lo que me iba a ocurrir en el futuro - yo iba a perder la vista, y él me la daría de nuevo!
Fue cinco años después, que se me quemaron los ojos por completo, mientras estaba haciendo un experimento en el laboratorio de química y recupere de nuevo mi visión solo por su gracia. "
Cada sesión con Swami es real, por lo tanto, es una bendición para los estudiantes. Debido a que el Maestro Supremo aprovecha la oportunidad para inculcar actitudes y comportamientos, conocimientos y sabiduría, fe y convicción en los corazones y las mentes de sus pupilos, lo que podría moldearlos en obras maestras como hombres.
Cada sesión con Swami es real, por lo tanto, es una bendición para los estudiantes. Debido a que el Maestro Supremo aprovecha la oportunidad para inculcar actitudes y comportamientos, conocimientos y sabiduría, fe y convicción en los corazones y las mentes de sus pupilos, lo que podría moldearlos en obras maestras como hombres.
Y con este fin, invierte una cantidad de tiempo y se ocupa personalmente todo lo necesario.
Sai Ram - Every Single word of Bhagawan is pregnant with meaning
Narrating a Wonderful Instance from a drama which was enacted on November 22 , 1980 , one of Swami's Oldest Students and now The Warden of the Sri Sathya Sai Hostel in Brindavan, and a Professor in SSSU, Dr. Ravi Kumar says,
“I had the opportunity to act in the play ‘The Kingdom of Heaven.’ This was a drama on the life of Jesus Christ, written and enacted by former students, who prayed to Swami to permit them, and the Kind Lord had agreed. Swami then looked through the entire list of actors, picked up one particular role, and said, ‘Ask Ravi to do this role.’
"At that time, I had finished my education in Swami’s College and was doing my post-graduation at Anantapur, about 80 kms from Puttaparthi. So they said, ‘Swami, Ravi is not here, he is studying there.’ Swami then said, ‘No, he comes on weekends, he can practice at that time.’ I, therefore, was given that role, and it was only much later did I realize how so beautifully Swami had indicated to me what was to come later in my life.
“The role was that of a blind beggar, who is cured by Jesus Christ. And during one of those days, when we were having practice sessions, as Jesus was curing me in the drama, Swami entered through the side, and remarked: ‘See! Sai Baba came and this fellow got his eyesight!’ And we all laughed. The next day, the same thing happened, and again Swami remarked: ‘See, Sai Baba came and he got his vision back!’
“The normal tendency after the rehearsal session was to rush to Swami, and He would make a few comments about the drama, ask us to repeat certain dialogues, tell us the correct emotion which should animate the scene, and so on. While this interaction was going on, Swami suddenly asked, ‘Did you hear the applause during Darshan?’ We had heard the clapping sitting inside the green room, so we said, ‘Yes Swami, we heard the applause.’ And then He looked at me and said, ‘You know, I gave vision to an 18 year old girl who was born blind!’ And, with His Eyes riveted on me, He immediately continued, ‘And, I will give you also!’ We all laughed because we thought Swami was making a joke, since I was a blind beggar in the drama. But we never realized that Swami was actually indicating to me what was to come in the future - that I would lose my eyesight, and He would give it back! It was five years later that I burnt my eyes completely while doing an experiment in the Chemistry lab and gained my vision back only by His Grace.”
Every session with Swami before the actual performance, therefore, was a boon to the students. Because the Supreme Teacher would take that opportunity to instill attitudes and behaviours, knowledge and wisdom, faith and conviction into the hearts and minds of His wards, which could mould them into masterpieces of men. And to this end, He would invest any amount of time and exert Himself to any length.
Narrating a Wonderful Instance from a drama which was enacted on November 22 , 1980 , one of Swami's Oldest Students and now The Warden of the Sri Sathya Sai Hostel in Brindavan, and a Professor in SSSU, Dr. Ravi Kumar says,
“I had the opportunity to act in the play ‘The Kingdom of Heaven.’ This was a drama on the life of Jesus Christ, written and enacted by former students, who prayed to Swami to permit them, and the Kind Lord had agreed. Swami then looked through the entire list of actors, picked up one particular role, and said, ‘Ask Ravi to do this role.’
"At that time, I had finished my education in Swami’s College and was doing my post-graduation at Anantapur, about 80 kms from Puttaparthi. So they said, ‘Swami, Ravi is not here, he is studying there.’ Swami then said, ‘No, he comes on weekends, he can practice at that time.’ I, therefore, was given that role, and it was only much later did I realize how so beautifully Swami had indicated to me what was to come later in my life.
“The role was that of a blind beggar, who is cured by Jesus Christ. And during one of those days, when we were having practice sessions, as Jesus was curing me in the drama, Swami entered through the side, and remarked: ‘See! Sai Baba came and this fellow got his eyesight!’ And we all laughed. The next day, the same thing happened, and again Swami remarked: ‘See, Sai Baba came and he got his vision back!’
“The normal tendency after the rehearsal session was to rush to Swami, and He would make a few comments about the drama, ask us to repeat certain dialogues, tell us the correct emotion which should animate the scene, and so on. While this interaction was going on, Swami suddenly asked, ‘Did you hear the applause during Darshan?’ We had heard the clapping sitting inside the green room, so we said, ‘Yes Swami, we heard the applause.’ And then He looked at me and said, ‘You know, I gave vision to an 18 year old girl who was born blind!’ And, with His Eyes riveted on me, He immediately continued, ‘And, I will give you also!’ We all laughed because we thought Swami was making a joke, since I was a blind beggar in the drama. But we never realized that Swami was actually indicating to me what was to come in the future - that I would lose my eyesight, and He would give it back! It was five years later that I burnt my eyes completely while doing an experiment in the Chemistry lab and gained my vision back only by His Grace.”
Every session with Swami before the actual performance, therefore, was a boon to the students. Because the Supreme Teacher would take that opportunity to instill attitudes and behaviours, knowledge and wisdom, faith and conviction into the hearts and minds of His wards, which could mould them into masterpieces of men. And to this end, He would invest any amount of time and exert Himself to any length.
Sai Bhajan - bienaventuranza Sagara Muralidhara ...
Aanandha Sagara Muralidhara
Meera Prabhu Radhey Shyama Venu Gopala
Nanda Yashoda Aanandha Kishora
Jai Jai Gokula Bala Jai Venu Gopala
Victoria a Krishna, el príncipe amado de Yashoda.
Tú eres el mar de la felicidad y el ejecutante de música cautivadora en la flauta.
Señor de Meera, Radha y el universo entero.
Adjunto (s) de Kadapa Mannar
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Ananda Sagara Murali Dhara.mp3
Aanandha Sagara Muralidhara
Meera Prabhu Radhey Shyama Venu Gopala
Nanda Yashoda Aanandha Kishora
Jai Jai Gokula Bala Jai Venu Gopala
Victoria a Krishna, el príncipe amado de Yashoda.
Tú eres el mar de la felicidad y el ejecutante de música cautivadora en la flauta.
Señor de Meera, Radha y el universo entero.
Adjunto (s) de Kadapa Mannar
1 de 1 archivo (s)
Sai Bhajan - Aanandha Sagara Muralidhara...
Aanandha Sagara Muralidhara
Meera Prabhu Radhey Shyama Venu Gopala
Nanda Yashoda Aanandha Kishora
Jai Jai Gokula Bala Jai Venu Gopala
Victory to Krishna, beloved Prince of Yashoda.
Thou art the ocean of bliss and player of captivating music on flute
Lord of Meera , Radha and the entire Universe.
Attachment(s) from Kadapa Mannar
1 of 1 File(s)
Ananda Sagara Murali Dhara.mp3
Sai Bhajan - Aanandha Sagara Muralidhara...
Aanandha Sagara Muralidhara
Meera Prabhu Radhey Shyama Venu Gopala
Nanda Yashoda Aanandha Kishora
Jai Jai Gokula Bala Jai Venu Gopala
Victory to Krishna, beloved Prince of Yashoda.
Thou art the ocean of bliss and player of captivating music on flute
Lord of Meera , Radha and the entire Universe.
Attachment(s) from Kadapa Mannar
1 of 1 File(s)
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