Su merecimiento no es medido por el número de templos que hayan visitado, ni por la cantidad y el costo de las ofrendas que hayan hecho allí. No calculen cuanto tiempo han pasado con el Nombre del Señor y se regocijen; calculen más bien el tiempo que hayan perdido alejados del Señor y arrepiéntanse. ¿Cómo encaró la Madre Sita en la epopeya del Ramayana, las provocaciones, insultos y torturas de los agresores en Lanka? ¿Qué fue lo que le diera el vigor mental? Fue la repetición del Nombre del Señor y ninguna otra cosa. Recuerden siempre que el deseo, la ira, la codicia y el odio jamás podrán coexistir con la Divinidad. Un sabroso platillo se volverá incomible si cayera una gota de kerosene en él. Un mal pensamiento o acción bastan para malograr la disciplina espiritual a la que se haya llegado difícilmente con el tiempo. Mantengan el Nombre Divino siempre en sus pensamientos y podrán enfrentar cualquier calamidad.
Sathya Sai Baba
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Saturday, December 10, 2011
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY_Saturday, December 10, 2011
Your worthiness is not measured by the number of temples you have visited, or the quantity and cost of the offerings you have made there. Do not calculate the length of time you have spent with the Lord’s Name and exult; calculate rather the time you have wasted away from the Lord, and repent. How did Mother Sita in the epic Ramayana brave the taunts, insults and tortures of the aggressors in Lanka? What gave her the mental stamina? It was repetition of the Name of the Lord and nothing else. Always remember that desire, anger, greed and hatred can never co-exist with Divinity. A tasty dish will become inedible, if a drop of kerosene falls on it. One bad thought or action is sufficient to spoil the spiritual discipline, built painstakingly over time. Have the Divine Name ever in your thoughts and you can brave any calamity.
PERLITA SAI_10-12-2011
PERLITA SAI_10-12-2011
PEARL SAI_10-12-2011
The envy and anger are dark, the love is light and compassion...SAI BABA
Sai Ram - El Amor Divino del Señor por todas las criaturas
Una experiencia increíble para apreciar:
Para todos los estudiantes y obreros que trabajaron en el Hill View Stadium , las semanas y meses antes de que se abriera en 1982. Nunca olvidaran el amor de Bhagavan derramado sobre ellos todos los días.
Además de los ingenieros de L & T, la gente que trabajó muy duro, fueron los estudiantes de Swami, porque Bhagavan siempre insistía en el hecho de que serían ellos, los que estaría utilizando mas el estadio , así que debían trabajar más.
Aparte de los viajes diarios de Bhagavan a el estadio, la entrega de dulces y otros regalos a los niños, quedaron impresos en la mente de todos los involucrados.
Un incidente ocurrido, dejó una huella indeleble en todos los involucrados. Había un perro que acostumbraba seguir a Bhagavan ha distancia todos los días, nunca interfirió con nadie, después de que Bhagavan se retiraba, solía ir a dormir delante de la escuela secundaria.
Aparte de los viajes diarios de Bhagavan a el estadio, la entrega de dulces y otros regalos a los niños, quedaron impresos en la mente de todos los involucrados.
Un incidente ocurrido, dejó una huella indeleble en todos los involucrados. Había un perro que acostumbraba seguir a Bhagavan ha distancia todos los días, nunca interfirió con nadie, después de que Bhagavan se retiraba, solía ir a dormir delante de la escuela secundaria.
Swami ni siquiera lo miró ni una sola vez; como pasaban los días, un día antes de que Bhagavan estaba a punto de entrar en su coche, él se detuvo. Camino unos metros y se detuvo unos minutos frente al edificio de la escuela , todo el mundo se sorprendió al ver a Swami solo y mirando a la distancia, de pronto el perro salió corriendo hacia Bhagavan de detrás del edificio de la Escuela. Bhagavan se agachó, le dio unas palmaditas y acaricio el perro, le dio un poco de comida y después de unos minutos el perro se fue y Swami continuo su camino.
Nadie vio al perro después de ese episodio, después de unos días alguien reunió el coraje y consulto a Bhagavan sobre el perro, Bhagavan dijo que inmediatamente después de que me dejó, saltó a un pozo y murió, ya que como Swami dijo: "No quería tocar a nadie después de que lo había tocado a El ".
Nadie vio al perro después de ese episodio, después de unos días alguien reunió el coraje y consulto a Bhagavan sobre el perro, Bhagavan dijo que inmediatamente después de que me dejó, saltó a un pozo y murió, ya que como Swami dijo: "No quería tocar a nadie después de que lo había tocado a El ".
A veces miramos a las criaturas como una especie inferiores a nosotros, este incidente demuestra que todo el mundo y todos tienen una consciencia y cada uno es igual ante Bhagavan.
El amor de Bhagavan es para todo el mundo. La forma en que se experimenta es la cuestión.
Sai Ram - The Divine Lord's Love for all creatures
An Amazing Experience to Cherish :
For all students who worked at the Sathya Sai Hill View Stadium weeks and months before it was to be opened in 1982 will never forget Bhagawan's Love showered upon them every day, Apart from the L&T Engineers, the people who worked the Hardest were Swami's Students because Bhagawan always drilled the fact into them that It would they who would be using the Staduim the most, So they should work more on
Apart from Bhagawan's daily trips to the stadium, his giving of sweets and other presents to the boys, which were imprinted on the minds of everyone concerned,
One incident happened which left an indelible impression on everyone concerned. There was a dog which used to follow Bhagawan from a distance everyday, It never interfered with anyone, after bhagawan left it used to go and sleep in front of the High School. Swami never even looked at it even once, As days passed, One day before Bhagawan was about to get into his car, He sudenly stopped and walked a few metres, and stood for a few minutes facing the high School Building, Everybody was surprised at seeing Swami standing alone and looking into the distance, then the Dog appeared from behind the School building and statred running towards Bhagawan, Bhagawan bent down, patted and carressed the dog, gave it a few eatables and after a few minutes, left the dog and went away.
Nobody ever saw the dog after that, After a few days someone mustered the courage to ask Bhagawan about the Dog, Bhagawan said that immediately after it left me it jumped into a well and died because it as Swami said "It did not want to touch anyone after I had touched it". We sometimes look down upon creatures down the line of species as very inferior to us, this incident proves that everyone and everything has a consience and every one are equal before Bhagawan.
Bhagawan's Love is for everyone to experience, it is how we experience it is the Question.
El amor de Bhagavan es para todo el mundo. La forma en que se experimenta es la cuestión.
Sai Ram - The Divine Lord's Love for all creatures
An Amazing Experience to Cherish :
For all students who worked at the Sathya Sai Hill View Stadium weeks and months before it was to be opened in 1982 will never forget Bhagawan's Love showered upon them every day, Apart from the L&T Engineers, the people who worked the Hardest were Swami's Students because Bhagawan always drilled the fact into them that It would they who would be using the Staduim the most, So they should work more on
Apart from Bhagawan's daily trips to the stadium, his giving of sweets and other presents to the boys, which were imprinted on the minds of everyone concerned,
One incident happened which left an indelible impression on everyone concerned. There was a dog which used to follow Bhagawan from a distance everyday, It never interfered with anyone, after bhagawan left it used to go and sleep in front of the High School. Swami never even looked at it even once, As days passed, One day before Bhagawan was about to get into his car, He sudenly stopped and walked a few metres, and stood for a few minutes facing the high School Building, Everybody was surprised at seeing Swami standing alone and looking into the distance, then the Dog appeared from behind the School building and statred running towards Bhagawan, Bhagawan bent down, patted and carressed the dog, gave it a few eatables and after a few minutes, left the dog and went away.
Nobody ever saw the dog after that, After a few days someone mustered the courage to ask Bhagawan about the Dog, Bhagawan said that immediately after it left me it jumped into a well and died because it as Swami said "It did not want to touch anyone after I had touched it". We sometimes look down upon creatures down the line of species as very inferior to us, this incident proves that everyone and everything has a consience and every one are equal before Bhagawan.
Bhagawan's Love is for everyone to experience, it is how we experience it is the Question.
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