MENSAJE DEL DIA 25 de marzo de 2016
Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam
¿Puede un foco de alta potencia parecerse al inigualable esplendor del Sol? ¿Puede un aparato de bombeo proveer tanta agua como la que obtenemos de una fuerte lluvia? ¿Puede un ventilador dar la frescura que otorga el Dios del Viento? Los dones de Dios son abundantes, generosos e incomparables. Pagamos por los diversos beneficios que disfrutamos, como la cuota del agua a la empresa proveedora, la de electricidad al departamento correspondiente, etc. Sin embargo, ¿qué pagamos al gran Señor que nos proporciona energía, luz y viento interminables? No demostramos gratitud alguna a Dios por habernos obsequiado los cinco elementos, que nunca se agotan. De hecho, nuestra principal obligación es expresar nuestro agradecimiento a Dios, que nos da en incesante abundancia. («Lluvias de Verano en Brindavan», Capítulo 1 - 20 de mayo de 1996)
Dhritarashtra had a hundred sons, the Kauravas. He knew very well that they were a wicked lot, and also knew that his brother's sons, the Pandavas, were wedded to righteousness (Dharma). He was also aware that the Kauravas were inflicting many indignities and injuries on them. Vyasa warned him thus many times: "Dhritarashtra! I do not say that for you to love your sons is wrong. But you must not shower misplaced affection on your sons. Do not behave like a blind ignorant man. By showing your unrestricted love for a bad son, you are causing harm to the community and the country." The doting father did not heed to sage's advice. Consequently, he got involved in many sinful actions. Through blind infatuation for his sons, what did Dhritarashtra achieve? In the final outcome, he had no one even to perform his funeral obsequies. The Pandavas had to render this service to him. It is not wrong to love children. But parents should learn how to love them. (Divine Discourse, 5 Feb 1984)
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Organización Sri Sathya Sai Baba de Argentina
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