Mensaje de la Pizarra de Prashanti Nilayam
El tipo de árbol que brota está determinado por la clase de semilla. El olor que se exhala con un eructo está relacionado con el tipo de alimento que se come. Cuando Krishna fue enviado a la corte de los Kaurava para llevar a cabo las negociaciones de paz, la cantidad de problemas y los titubeos que tuvieron los hermanos Pandava no son fáciles de entender para otros. A los hermanos Pandava, en particular a Nakula y Sahadeva, les preocupaba que su hermano mayor iba a mandar a Krishna a una corte llena de gente malvada. Estaban sumamente preocupados por un posible daño que esa gente pudiera hacerle a Krishna. Hasta que Krishna volvió sano y salvo no tomaron siquiera un trago de agua. Porque los Pandavas tenían tanta fe y afecto por Krishna, este a su vez los protegía en todo momento. El tipo de conexión que existe entre Dios y Sus devotos siempre se ve fortalecida por los lazos del amor. (Discurso Divino, Rosas de Verano en las Montañas Azules, 1976, Cap.4)
The kind of tree that sprouts will be determined by the nature of the seed. The smell which one gets when one has a belch will be determined by the kind of food one eats. When Krishna was sent to the Kaurava court to undertake peace negotiations, the amount of trouble and the hesitation which the Pandava brothers had is not easily understood by others. The Pandava brothers, particularly Nakula and Sahadeva, were worried that their elder brother was sending Krishna into a court filled with evil people. They were greatly worried about a possible harm these people might do to Krishna. Until Krishna returned safely they did not even take a sip of water. Because the Pandavas had such great faith and affection towards Krishna, Krishna in turn was also protecting them at all times. The kind of connection that exists between God and His devotees is always strengthened by the bonds of love. (Divine Discourse, Summer Roses on Blue Mountains 1976, Ch 4)
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